Description With this report you can fill table NTPZ (service catalog items:Assignments and Groupings), starting from table TNE2G (transfer EBM <->GOÄ, BIS data). If you just want to test the function for importing data from the tableTNE2G first, you can run the report in test mode>. No databaseupdates are then carried out. If you select Full Log>, all mappings are logged. If you selectError Log>, errors that occur are logged.Precondition To be able to map services, certain preconditions must be met: The mapping data must be stored in the table TNE2G, Both service catalog IDs must be defined in the system, The service to be mapped must be defined within the mapping interval inservice catalog 1, The same applies to the target service, If mappings already exist for the service in question, the mappinginterval must match the existing one. |