Description You can use this program to create services. On the basis of theCustomizing settings made in Data Transfer- Define Structures> and DataTransfer - Define Record Types> the program reads and processes asequential dataset.> If you initially only wish to test the importing of the sequentialdataset, you can run the program in test mode. This does not create abatch input session, but fields and their contents are displayed on therespective screens. The test mode is particularly suitable for checkingthe structure definition of the sequential dataset. Note> Tab pages were fully implemented for the service master in IS-H Release4.03. You cannot, however, create a batch input session for the new tabpages Extras> and Planning values>. You use the ser vice master BAPIs to import these (and all other) values. For furtherinformation about BAPIs, refer to the Release Note IS-H-BAPIs>> for IS-H Release 4.03. Note that the service master BAPIs available to you since IS-H Release4.03 greatly increase the possibilities for processing service masterdata. The Create session> flag determines whether a batch input sessionis created, or if data is updated directly (technical info: "Calltransaction using..."). If data is to be updated directly, and an erroroccurs, a batch input session is also created. However, data that iscorrect is updated. You can then process the session (to add data thatis missing, for example, or to determine the cause of the error).Precondition If the length of a record of the sequential dataset exceeds 1024 bytes,then the length of the buffer variable REC must be correspondinglychanged in INCLUDE program RNILSI10. A structure definition must exist for the sequential dataset (see IMGactivity above). In addition, you must enter the service catalog ID inIS-H and the complete name of the sequential dataset when starting theprogram. If the sequential dataset contains different record types, youhave to flag the relevant option on the selection screen, and specifythe offset and the length of the record type ID. Using different record types, you control the transfer of any long textfor a service. The long text can be stored eithir in the Long text > field or the Note> field of the first entry screen. Totransfer long text to the system, you must make a corresponding entryin the structure definition. That is, all fields must have record type'TAR', with the exception of the long text fields. You must use therecord type LTX> for the long text field (NTPT-LTEXT) and thetype BT> for the comments field (NTPT-KTEXT). Seventy characterscan be transferred for each BTX or LTX line (of the sequentialdataset). If you want to transfer more than 70 characters, you cansimply append further records of the corresponding record type. Thenames of the record types are predefined; here, the program interpretsTAR> as the main record type (that is, this record type initiatesa block which only ends when TAR> is read again) and LTX>and BTX> as assigned record types. The procedure is much simplerthere is no long text transfer. In such cases, you do not have tospecify the record types.Example Data Record for Transfer of Three Lines of Long Text forService Code 204: TAR 204,circular bandage,95,12.60,5.70,18.30,29.80 LTX compression bandage head/shoulder/hip/trunk LTX also first emergency bandage for fractures LTX also with plaster/starch fixation The Valuation formula> option lets you specify the formula to beused for pricing services in the same way as in the maintenancetransaction. You can set the corresponding indicators of the transaction using theoptions Extended service> and Billable> for all of theservices imported. If the service record does not contain a valid start date, or if youwant a different date, you can enter a value in the Valid from>field. The same applies to the valid-to date. If you do not enter a date on the selection screen of the program, anddo not transfer the date from the sequential dataset, the system usesthe default date for services as specified in Customizing(institution-specific, time independent control parameters: Default start date when creating service master> and Default enddate when creating service master>). In this case, the structuredefinition must not contain an entry for the corresponding date field. Any conversions of the field formats that are necessary can be carriedout as follows: Define a corresponding form routine. You make all changes to the formatwith the first parameter. The second parameter contains the recordcurrently being imported from the sequential dataset. The conversion isto be structured so that a valid input format is achieved for therespective entry field. You enter the name of the form routine in theForm routine> field, and the program name in the Program>field when maintaining the structure definition.Output If you select Test mode>, data is not updated. If you selectError log>, any screen fields with their respective fieldcontents are displayed if errors occur. If errors occurred and caused a batch input session to be generated,you can edit this session using transaction SM35 (or by choosingSystem -> Services -> Batch input -> Edit>), that is analyze andprocess, it if necessary.Example Examples of form routines can be found in programRNILSI20>. An example of a structure definition is stored in tables TNT2 and TNT2Sunder the identifier RNLST. This can be used to copy from. |