Description You can create a batch input session with this report for thetransaction NL04 (quick service entry is OU-specific). A sequential dataset is read and processed with the help ofstructure information tables TNT2 and TNT2S.If you only want to test importing the sequential dataset first ofall, you can run the report in the test mode. A batch input sessionis not created here, but only fields and their contents aredisplayed on the respective screens. The test mode is suited inparticular to checking the structure definition of the sequentialdataset. Precondition If the length of a record of the sequential dataset is more than1024 bytes, the length of the buffer variable REC in the INCLUDEprogram RNILSI10 must be changed correspondingly. For the sequential dataset, a structure definition must exist(tables TNT2 and TNT2S). In addition, you must enter the chargemaster ID in IS-H and the complete name of sequential dataset at thestart of the report. If need be you can carry out necessary conversions of the fieldformats as follows: Define a corresponding form routine. Carry out all changes to theformat with the first parameter. The 2nd parameter contains therecord currently imported from the sequential dataset. The conversionis laid out in such a way that a valid input format is achieved forthe given input field. Enter the name of the form routine in fieldTNT2-FORM of the table TNT2, and the program name in fieldTNT2-PROGR. Output If the field "Test mode" is marked, no batch input session iscreated. If you mark "Error log", possible errors are logged shouldthey arise. For the "Overall log", all screen fields are displayedwith the respective field contents. If you generated a batch input session, you can edit this with thetransaction SM35 (or System -> Services -> Batch input -> Edit), thatis, analyze and process if necessary. ExampleRNILSI20. Under the identifier RNLOE, an exemplary structure description isstored in the tables TNT2 and TNT2S. It should be used as areference. |