NEW: Selection via case selection (otherwise unchanged!)Description This report enables you to generate insurance verification requests forinpatient and day patient cases. You can process cases with billableservices and cases without billable services. If billable services exist for the case, the report executes theInsurance Verification Service Overview> function. If there arecurrently no billable services for the case, the report executes theExtended Insurance Verification> function. When you run the report, you can either execute the InsuranceVerification Services Overview> or Extended Insurance Verification > function directly, or specify that you want to generate a batchinput session. You must then process this batch input session in aseparate step.Precondition Insurance verification requests can only be generated if at least oneinsurance relationship has been defined for the case. If a case does not have any billable services and, consequently, thereport executes extended insurance verification, the report can onlygenerate an insurance verification request if default values orpreapproved insurance have been defined for the insurance provider withthe highest ranking in the insurance relationship. On the selection screen, in the Select Cases> group box, youspecify whether you want to select cases
- By admission date
- By discharge date
- By cases
- By case selection
You can restrict your selection further by entering data in theFurther Restrictions> group box. Special Features for Country Version Germany The system handles all cases in a readmission sequence except for theleading case as follows: For the generation of insurance verification requests, the system onlytakes into account readmission cases for which services exist. Thisensures that the system does not generate unnecessary insuranceverification requests on the basis of stored default values orpreapproved insurance, for example.Output If you select Start Immediately>, the system displays a list ofthe cases that were processed, and whether any errors occurred duringprocessing. From this list, you can go directly into the service entry screen (whereyou can correct any errors) by choosing the Services> function andcorrect the cause of the errors. If you select the Errored Only> option, you can restrict the listto cases for which an error occurred. If you do not select the Start Immediately> option, the reportcreates a batch input session, which you can analyze and process usingtransaction SM35.Example You might like to run this report every day for all patients who wereeither admitted or discharged on that day.