Description This program creates a batch input session for the transaction NG08(Change insurance provider). A sequential dataset is read and processed with the aid of thestructure information tables TNT2 and TNT2S. If, in the first instance,you simply want to test the import of the sequential dataset, you canrun the program in test mode. In such cases, a batch input session isnot actually created and only the field values are displayed on therespective screens. Test mode is particularly useful for checking thedefinition of the sequential dataset structure. Precondition If the length of a record in the sequential dataset exceeds 1024 bytes,the length of the buffer variables REC must be modified accordingly inthe program. A structure definition must exist for the sequential dataset (tableTNT2). If your sequential file also contains record types, the TNT2S tablemust be maintained also. When you run the program you must specify the complete name of thesequential dataset. If the sequential dataset contains different recordtypes, the offset and length of the record type identifier in eachrecord of the sequential data file must be specified. If you only want to process some of records in the sequential data file(e.g. for test purposes), you can specify the lower and upper limit ofthe records to be processed. Should field formats need to be converted, proceed as follows: Define the corresponding form routine in a copy (e.g. ZNILSI20) of theRNILSI20 program. You can, of course, copy template routines from thisprogram into your own program. All changes to the format are to be madeusing the F2 field symbol. The conversion should result in a validinput format for each input field. Enter the name of the form routinein the form routine field of the TNT2 table and the program name in theprogram field. Number assignment must be external, i.e. the sequential file mustprovide numbers that already exist in the IS-H System as keys. Thesystem issues a message for all entries without a number, and theseentries are not placed in the batch input session. The procedure islogged. When insurance provider numbers are incorrect, thecorresponding transactions remain in the session. Output The program outputs the number of: Records read Records that contain errors Error messages and warnings Actual or, in test mode, potential number of batch input entries. For more information on any of the four points, select the line inquestion by pressing F2, or by double-clicking the line in question. Ifa batch input session was created, you can access transaction SM35directly (transaction for analyzing and processing batch inputsessions) by selecting the line containing the number of batch inputentries. If all the insurance provider numbers in a dataset are blank, an emptysession is generated (the 'Trans' and 'Screen' columns are empty). Youcan then delete this session. Example Examples of form routines can be found in report RNILSI20. Examples of structure definitions can be found in tables TNT2 andTNT2S. |