Description This program allows you to calculate the statistical key figures forcollective orders and to transfer the values into Controlling (CO). Various selection criteria are provided for you to restrict the keyfigure calculation. When you start the program in test mode, the keyfigures are not transferred into CO. Precondition The program determines the key figures for collective orders that youhave defined in Customizing for IS-H. Relevant key figures from CO must be assigned to the IS-H key figures. The following conditions must be satisfied for the CO functions to workcorrectly:
- For the events 'HCO004' and for the current system configuration, the
function module for updating in CO must be configured.
- The period in CO must not be blocked for the entry of statistical key
figures (ACTUAL).
- You need to maintain the screen variant for posting the statistical key
figures in Customizing. For more information about this, see the Implementation Guide bychoosing SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals > -> Integration with Controlling> -> Basic Settings>. If any of the prerequisites is not met, the system displays the message'CO error' in the Document Number >column.Output The program outputs a list of the selected collective orders with thedetermined key figures and the document number. When you run the program in test mode, the text 'Test Mode' replaces thedocument number. If an error occurred while updating in CO, the 'CO error' appears. If the statistical key figures in CO are of the category 2 (totalsvalues) and the value '0' is to be transferred, 'zero value' appears inthe document number field (for totals values, only values that are notzero can be updated). If a value already exists for this period, thesystem cancels this value. Details on output>
- The Log >function, which you can execute for each row, displays a
detailed log of the calculation for the given row. You can see whichcases belong to a collective order, and how the calculated values werearrived at.
- In production (live) mode, executing the Choose >function for a
row containing the document number takes you into the relevant COdocument.
- The posting date is the last day of the evaluation period. The document
date is the current system date.
- I f other errors occur during program execution, the system shows them
in a dialog box before displaying the actual results. You can view theseerror messages at any time subsequently by choosing the Messages>function.