Description You can use this report to calculate statistical key figures forcollective orders, and to transfer these values to Controlling. On the selection screen, you must specify an institution, period,fiscal year, and order number. If you run the report in test mode, you can calculate key figureswithout transferring them to CO. Precondition
- The function module that transfers data to CO must be defined for the
event HCO004> and for your current system configuration.
- The period must not be blocked against entry of statistical key figures
(actual) in CO.
- You must have defined the list entry variant for posting statistical
key figures to collective orders in Customizing (SAP Healthcare -Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals -> Integration withControlling -> Basic Settings>>).Output The program outputs the collective order along with the key figurescalculated and the order number. If you have run the report in test mode, the text "Test mode" appearsinstead of the order number. If an error occurred when data was being transferred to CO, the text"Error" is displayed. If the statistical key figures belong to type 2 in Controlling (summaryvalues), and the value '0' is to be transferred, the text "Zero value"appears is the document number field (only summary values that are notzero can be posted). If a value already existed for the period inquestion, this value is cancelled/reversed. Hints on using this program
- If you run the program in live mode, and select a line with a document
number in the output list, you can go directly to the corresponding COdocument by choosing Goto -> CO document>.
- The posting date is the last day of the evaluation period. The document
date is the current system date.
- If any errors occur when the program is run, these are displayed in a
dialog box before the actual results are displayed. You can display theerror messages at any time by choosing Goto -> Messages>.