Description This report is used to calculate statistical key figures for case-basedorders and to transfer these values to Controlling. You are only required to enter the institution, period, and fiscal yearon the selection screen. Otherwise, you can restrict the calculationwith regard to the case number, admission and discharge date. You canalso choose to edit only patients that have been discharged. Byselecting the Include cancelled cases and movements> field, youcan specify whether the program is also to analyze cases and movementsthat have been cancelled. This is necessary, for example, if a case ormovement, for which statistical key figures have already been posted inCO, is cancelled. One disadvantage here, however, is that the outputmay contain many cases for which only the value 'zero' is to be posted.If the cancelled cases and movements are to be taken into accountnevertheless, you can use the report RNHCO014>. You can calculate the values in a test mode without transferring themto CO.Precondition
- The function module for updating in CO must be maintained for the event
HCO004> and for the current system configuration.
- The period must not be blocked in CO for entering statistical key
figures (ACT).
- You must maintain the list entry variant in Customizing for posting the
statistical key figures to case-based orders (in the IS-HImplementation Guide>, Chapter Integration with Controlling->Maintain Basic settings>>).Output The program outputs a list of the selected case-based orders with thecalculated key figures and the document number. The text "Test mode" is displayed instead of the document number intest mode. If an error occurs during updating in CO, the text "Error" isdisplayed. If the statistical key figures in CO are of type 2 (value in a totalsrecord) and the value '0' is to be transferred, 'zero' appears in thedocument number field (since values in a totals record can only beupdated if they are not equal to zero). If a value already exists forthis period, it is reversed. Processing details
- In production mode, you can branch to a CO document from the line with
the document number using the function Goto-> CO document>.
- The posting date is the last day of the evaluation period. The document
date is the current system date.
- Any errors that occur while the report is being executed are displayed
in a separate dialog box before the actual results are displayed. Youcan view these error messages at any time with the function Goto->Messages>.