Description This report is used to calculate statistical key figures (departmentalview) and to transfer these values into Controlling (CO). You can restrict the calculation with regard to organizational units andcost centers and calculate the key figures in a test mode withouttransferring them into CO.
- Institution: You must make an input in this field. The key figures can
only be determined for one institution.
- Dept. Org. Unit: By entering organizational units, for which
departmental assignments are allowed, you can restrict the key figurecalculation to the specified organizational units and the units belowthem in the organizational hierarchy.
- Cost Center of Dept. OU: By entering cost centers, you can restrict the
calculation further. In this case, only those organizational unitsassigned to these cost centers are taken into account.
- Period and Fiscal Year: These two input fields are obligatory. The key
figures are calculated for the specified period.
- Statistical Key Figure: You can enter the key figures you want to
calculate in this field. If you leave the field blank, all of the keyfigures will be calculated.
- Test Mode (no Transfer): If you select this field, the system simply
calculates the key figures and does not transfer them into CO.Precondition This program only determines the key figures on the basis of theirassignment to departmental organizational units. The nursingorganizational unit is not taken into account (inter-dependent bedassignments, therefore, are not treated separately). To ensure that the program functions correctly, it is important that theentire OU hieararchy be maintained. Furthermore, cost centers must be assigned to the selectedorganizational units and the IS-H key figures must be assignedcorresponding key figures from CO. For further information, please referto the corresponding chapter in the Implementation Guide. In addition to this, the technical prerequisites must be fulfilled toensure that the CO functions operate correctly:
- The function module for updating in CO must be maintained for the event
'HCO004' and the current system configuration.
- The period must not be blocked in CO for entering statistical key
figures (ACT).
- You must maintain the list entry variant in Customizing for posting
statistical key figures (in the Chapter Maintain Basic Settings>of the Implementation Guide under Integration with Controlling>). If one of the prerequisites is not fulfilled, the message "CO error" isoutput in the "Document number" column.Output The program outputs a list of the selected cost centers with thecalculated key figures and document number. The text "Test mode" is displayed instead of the document number in testmode. If an error occurs during updating in CO, the text "CO error" isdisplayed. If the statistical key figures in CO are of type 2 (values in a totalsrecord) and the value '0' is to be transferred, 'zero' appears in thedocument number field (since values in a totals record can only beupdated if they are not equal to zero). If a value already exists forthis period, it is reversed and the reversal document appears in thedocument number field. Output details A detailed log on the calculation in each line can be displayed with theLog> function and indicates the organizational units that belongto this cost center and how the values were calculated. You can branch from a document number to the corresponding CO documentin production mode with the Choose> function. The posting date is the last day of the evaluation period. The documentdate is the current system date. Any errors that occur while the report is being executed are displayedin a separate dialog box before the actual results are displayed. Youcan view these error messages at any time by choosing the Messages > function.