Description The Order Status Tracking> program allows you to produce anoverview of the case-based orders and the cost object-based orders inyour institution. The program can display cases with or without orders. The followingselection criteria enable you to restrict the search:
- By admission date of inpatient cases
- By discharge date of inpatient cases
- By first visit date of outpatient cases (available in SAP ACM only)
- By cases
If you run the program in dialog mode, the results list includes anumber of functions for interactive editing.Precondition You have configured Cost Object Controlling for SAP Patient Management.For more information about this, see under SAP Healthcare -Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals >-> Integration withControlling > in the IS-H Implementation Guide.Output The program outputs a list of cases found with any existing case-basedorders. You can execute the following functions from the list:
- Services>
This function allows you to display or edit the services for the case.
- Order>
This function allows you to branch to order processing for a specificorder.
- Change order status>
The Edit >menu contains functions that allow you to change thestatus of one or more orders.These are the same functions that areprovided in CO order maintenance.
- Fill user fields>
The Fill User Fields f>unction allows you to fill the COAS-USER0to COAS-USER9 fields in the order master by means of a user exit. Thesefields in the order master can be freely used, for example, for a simpleorder list or order summary. For more information about the user exit(HC02), see the doumentation in the IMG activity for user exits..