Description This program generates a list of Customizing entries for a workorganizer. If there are any Customizing errors, these are alsodisplayed. You can specify institutions to restrict the size of your list. You can also simulate the effect of your 'current' settings for adifferent terminal and/or user. When you simulate a different user, theNF1 parameter of the simulated user is also displayed. Note: The authorization check for printing forms cannot be performedfor simulated users. This program is used to check and archive Customizing settings, and todocument (in hard copy) the installations tested/installations whereerrors were detected. It can also be used to determine possibleprinters for your current/simulated terminal. When you run this program, it generates a list of the settings made forthe work organizer selected. A series of checks are run. If any errors are detected, thisinformation is output either as an error message, warning orinformation message, depending on how important and serious the errorwas. Therefore, if you have any problems outputting forms, you should try todetect the error using this program. Precondition The work organizer selected must exist. Output List of all Customizing entries pertaining to the work organizerselected. Remember, when you select institutions and work in simulationmode, only settings that have been restricted accordingly will beshown. The following information is output:
- Work organizer ID, text and assignment to work organizer type (from
table TNF03);
- Work organizer details (from table TNF01) including customer-specific
event assignments (TNF06);
- All information required for work organizer control (based on work
organizer type) Without conditions (TNF30), By insurance provider (type) (TNF31), By billing type/insurance provider type (TNF32);
- User-to-org.unit assignment (user parameter NF1);
- All work organizer-to-org.unit assignments (TNF10);
- All work organizer-to-printer assignments (TNF08);
- An analysis of terminal-to-printer assignments (TNF07):
Which printers are determined for which terminals; Which printers are assigned to this work organizer at the currentterminal (the printer the system determines as the default printer forthe current terminal is prefixed by a '>');
- All form windows and elements of the work organizer (TNF05),
- The authorizations of the current user (object N FORM PRI) - but only
if not in simulation mode.