Description This program enables you to set the date and type of case end foroutpatient cases whose end of treatment date has still to be maintained. The program lists the cases selected from the database, and displays thedate set for the case end. Precondition INCLUDE ISH_SE_INSTITUTION OBJECT DOKU ID TX You specify the start of the evaluation period by entering a start date.You can specify the end of the evaluation period by entering a date asof which no visits must have occurred. Alternatively, you can specify aninterval in days, weeks or months in which no visits must have occurred.This interval is relative to the current (system) date. The program only takes into account such cases for which at least onevisit exists in the evaluation period specified. It does not take intoaccount cases for which a visit has been entered after the evaluationperiod. INCLUDE ISH_SE_TESTMODE OBJECT DOKU ID TX Selection Criteria In addition to specifying the institution and the evaluation period, youcan further restrict the number of cases selected using the followingcriteria:
- Departmental and nursing organizational unit(s)>
The program only takes into account the cases for which there is atleast one outpatient visit in the selected organizational units (fieldsDepartmental OU>, Nursing OU>) in the evaluation periodspecified. INCLUDE ISH_RNENDCAS_APPOINT OBJECT DOKU ID TXOutput The system outputs the result of the evaluation using theSAP List Viewer> (ALV). Youcan choose the information to be output and how it is to be sorted. The system outputs the case number, patient name and data on the visitsfor the case as standard. If you execute the program in production mode, a traffic light icon inthe output list denotes whether the date of end of treatment has beensuccessfully modified (green light) in the database or not (red light). You can also choose to display additional information:
- On the patient (e.g. patient number, date of birth, sex)
- On the case (e.g. case type)
- On the visits relating to the case.
Activity First execute the program in test mode to ensure you have specified theright selection criteria before executing the program in productionmode. INCLUDE ISH_RNENDCAS_ENDDATE OBJECT DOKU ID TX