Description This program lists all the cases for which the communication status hasto be changed or communication status has to be set. The casesdisplayed match the various criteria you specify on the selectionscreen. This report presents the comparison between the old and newstatus and enables you to set the status. CCPS: For final billing, communication status must be '39' (plus thecase status must be approved). NPMI: To send out NPMI data, the communication status must be '50'. Precondition To execute the program you need authorization S_PROGRAM with theauthorization group N_U3_UWA> as specified in the attributes ofprogram. Furthermore, you require authorization N_EINRI_REP> for theselected institution. Please make entries for the new Communication Status > and thefields Institution , EDI-Procedure > and above all the CaseNumbers > for which you want to set a communication status. You canmark the check box on the selection screen to set communication statusonly to the cases which do not yet have any status set.Output The program outputs a list of all cases for which the communicationstatus can be set. If there exists any old status for that case itdisplays both the old communication status as well as the new one youselect on the selection screen. Otherwise you will see an entry wherethe old communication status is blank. After the list is displayed you can decide for which cases you want toset the communication status . Mark the cases with the check boxprovided on the list. Then click on the button Set Status which setsthecommunication status for all the cases marked. Example You make the following specifications on the selction screen :
- Institution : 1
- EDI-Procedure : CCPS(Central Claim Processing System)
- Case : 100 to 150.
- Communication Status : 22
The program lists all the case nubers between 100 and 150 youspecified which match the selection criteria and then you can set thecommunication status accordingly.