Description This program is a special utility for creating IS-H BAPIs. It may onlybe used for this purpose, and is based on very specific conditions (seebelow). The program may only be used by software developers who have athorough understanding of this area! The mapping of structure names and field names from internal structuresto the corresponding external structures constitutes a problem. Theglobal, internal table GL_MAPTAB is filled and evaluated for this inthe IS-H System. This table is filled in special FORM routines, one foreach structure. These are the routines that are generated by thisprogram. The program generates the FORM routine called ADMAPT_bapistructurename(bapistructurename = name of parameter of a structure in the BAPIinterface) in the target include program of the IS-H BAPI functiongroup. This FORM is simply appended to the existing source code.Caution: when the same FORM routine occurs more than once the generatedprogram contains errors. Nothing is overwritten. Problem locations areidentified by '???'. These must be corrected subsequently. When suchcorrections are made, the name of the person making the manualcorrection, the date/time of the correction and what the correctioninvolved should always be added to the FORM header. The FORM routine for non-structure parameters (ADMAPT_PARAMETERS) mustbe created and maintained manually. This program can be of noassistance here. A template is provided in the function group 2099. Precondition RESET N1 A MAP2* module must exist in the function group. You must enter thecorresponding program name (e.g. L2099U03) on the selection screen.Here it is irrelevant whether the module is a MAP2E* or MAP2I* module.Since, however, FORMs are usually only important for import parameters,these are almost always MAP2I* modules. On the other hand, acorresponding FORM ADMAPT_bapistructurename would have to exist foreach MAP2I* module, to ensure errors are correctly reported. The (include) program, in which the FORM should be generated must havealready been created. There is only one corresponding internal structure for each externalBAPI structure. If this is not the case, a second FORM must begenerated and renamed. Exactly one API is called in a BAPI. In other words, there is only everexactly one internal interface structure for an external BAPI structurein a module. The name of this unique, internal interface structure isthe name of the parameter in the API module. Output The program outputs the enhanced source code of the target includeprogram appended with the new FORM. Example The function group 2099 contains a number of FORMS generated in thismanner. Concrete example The selection: Target include generated FORM L2099F11 Program of MAP2 function mod. L2099U08 Structure name in BAPI interf. CASESERVICE_CDATA Structure name in API interf. SS_RNLSR DDIC structure BAPI interface BAPI2099CDATA DDIC structure API insterface RNLSR Generates the FORM ADMAPT_CASESERVICE_CDATA at the end of the L2099F11include program. In the process, the MAP2I_BAPI2099CDATA_TO_RNLSR isevaluated (the L2099U08 program). The BAPI parameter is calledCASESERVICE_CDATA (see BAPI_CASESERVICE_CREATEMULT andBAPI_CASESERVICE_CHANGEMULT interfaces), the internal parameterSS_RNLSR (see the calls of the API modulesISH_CASESERVICE_CREATEMULTIPLE and ISH_CASESERVICE_CHANGEMULTIPLE inthe source code of both BAPI modules mentioned above). The DDICstructure of the BAPI parameter is BAPI2099CDATA and that of the APIparameter is RNLSR. |