Description This report displays the HCM monitor results. You can choose between 2 modes: a.) Display all entries that are more recent than x days b.) Display entries with specific data (date, user, function module name, and so on). Output A list with status information from the HCM monitor is output. Errors and warnings are marked in a different color. The list is sorted according to the tests (function modules) performed.You can resort the list by double-clicking the heading. By double-clicking an error line, you can view the error message andassociated long text. The following are output: RESET N1 Name of the test routine (function module) Date and time when the test was carried out. Institution Error/message number and text Name of mail recipient Recipient type ('C' = distribution list, 'B' = user) Indicator of whether mail was sent to the user User under whose identification the monitor was started. |