Description This report is the HCM monitor. The report checks the current system statuses and indicates errors andirregularities in the system. This program should be started as aperiodic background job to ensure that the system is checked on acontinuous basis and detect errors as early as possible. The functions/checks performed must be stored in the NCMON table inCustomizing. This table is located in the communication menu in theImplementation Guide. In the Customizing table, you can specify the check routines that areto be executed and how often these checks are to be performed (forexample, once a day/week or each time the monitor is run). You can alsospecify the user (or distribution list) to whom the check results areto be sent. Furthermore, you can change the predefined parameters inthe detail screen. You can overwrite the entries made for the recipient on the selectionscreen by simply entering a different user as the mail recipient. Therecipient type is determined automatically. (The system first checkswhether a user with this name exists and then searches for adistribution list of the same name). If you want to perform all of the checks (irrespective of the executionfrequency defined in Customizing), select the corresponding field onthe selection screen. The program can be executed in two modes: as a background job in this mode, the specified user (usually the system administrator)receives a mail when an error occurs. as an online report a list of error messages is displayed here. The user defined inCustomizing or specified on the selection screen only receives a mailif the "Mail also in online mode" indicator is selected. Precondition Ensure that the user, under whose name the background job is executed,is authorized to send documents with SAPoffice. Output RESET N1 In the background If an error occurs, a mail is sent to the user responsible listing thefunction modules/checks that were executed and the errors thatoccurred. Online An overview of all the functions/checks performed is output. To display the error, please branch to the log. (For more informationon the log, please refer to the documentation for the report RNCMON01). Further information Additional information on the individual checks is provided in thedocumentation for the function modules in the function group NCMO. |