Description This report is part of IS-HCM and is called after customer messagetypes and segments have been maintained. The report generates externalPERFORMs to provide the associated filled SY segments. The reportRNCRDB90 is generated for this purpose. This is required for data retrieval when the messages are composed. Itcontains exactly one FORM routine for each customer message segmentthat supplies all of the segment fields with the database contents. Thetransfer parameters are specified in the table TNCS0 "Messagesegments".
- Exception 1>: all technical segments (indicator: SGNR < 10):
the corresponding filled SY segment is transferred; as well as (forcustomer-defined data retrieval) the NC01 dispatch order with thedatabase codes for the objects.
- Exception 2>: segments with SGNR > 900:
These are no longer filled by move-corresponding. Data retrieval cannow be performed directly by customer-defined modules. When naming your segments, ensure that the segment number is greaterthan 900 so that it can be used without reference to an SY segment. This report only processes customer types/segments (that is, those withan owner code other than 'Z*' or 'Y*').