Description Attention:> This program is not executable at present!> This report retrieves ADT ('Admission, Discharge, Transfer', that is,general administration data) from (selected) partner systems. You canchoose whether batch input sessions are generated or whether the data isupdated straight away. The following transactions are used for thispurpose:
- NP97 for discharges,
- NV11 for transfers.
The connection is established via the SAP communication module. The report should run cyclically in the background (for example, everyhour) to transfer the collected data to the IS-H database. SAP recommendations:> RESET N1 You should name the corresponding background job in accordance with theISH naming conventions, that is: ISHCM_GET_ADTS_xxx> Where 'xxx' stands for the client in which the job was scheduled. Thejob only runs/works for this client. Insert the SAPCDERR program as a first job step before RNCGET03. Thistransfers any pending receipt acknowledgements to partner systems andthereby avoids complications. Specify a "meaningful" repetition period. In general, we recommend thatADT data be retrieved on an hourly basis. This recommendation is generally valid. Even if the data is supplied bythe partner systems in realtime. Naturally, this is more meaningful inthe case of movement data. Transfer of the messages to the IS-H databaseis then initiated by the partner system as soon as any movement data isavailable. RNCGET00 is called by the external system for this purpose. Irrespective of the above, it may be more expedient to simply "collect"the ADT data on an hourly basis. In this way, nothing gets "leftbehind".Precondition RESET N1 The SAP communication module must be installed correctly. In IS-HCM Customizing, you must specify the systems from which ADT datamay be retrieved as well as the ADT data that may be retrieved. The format must also be correct for the system in question. Output A short log containing the number of messages retrieved from eachpartner system. Any communication problems are also included in the log.