Title EDI Worklist Purpose The EDI Worklist lets you check and process EDI messages in SAP PatientManagement. It replaces the previously separate worklists for inbound and outboundprocessing. You can list all existing EDI messages in this worklist andview all of the data necessary for analyzing the listed messages. Youcan perform all of the activities for processing the EDI messagesdirectly from the EDI Worklist. Prerequisites To execute this program, you need the authorization S_PROGRAM with theaction SUBMIT for the report group N_U3_UD0. This lets you view theentries. You also need the authorization N_EINR_REP for the relevant institutionsand the report EDI Worklist> (RNCEDIWORK2). To perform activities involving database changes, you also need theauthorization N_U3_UW.Features For each EDI message displayed, you can
- See all essential data at a glance (message type, status, case and/or
patient number, date of creation and transmission, etc.).
- Show or hide all existing error information and notes relating to the
EDI message.
- Display the EDI message content in the EDI format.
- View the EDI message content field by field with field labels.
- Modify the message status.
- Display a reference message (error message, for example), if such
- Go to the case overview, if the message is case-related.
- Go to the Messages for Case> overview, if the message is case
- Have the system recreate the message.
- Clear a hold date.
- Add error information (internal and for sender in cases of a rejection).
- Prepare an inbound message to be reimported.
If the system displays error messages relating to an EDI message, youcan
- View the long text of the error message.
- For outbound EDI messages, double-click on the error message to go to
the relevant entry transaction if the content of the EDI message isincorrect or data is missing. In general, you can
- Create and save (as user-specific default setting) your own
layouts> (add or removefields, modify displayed lengths, set multi-row format for EDI messageheaders) for the EDI Worklist.
- Sort EDI messages according to self-defined criteria.
- Check your selection specifications.
- Go directly to the case overview and into case-related invoice
processing. When the EDI procedure is not case-related, the system callsthe selection screen.
- Individualize the work environment by creating your own user-specific or
user group-specific transactions that skip the selection screen by meansof a selection variant for the report EDI Worklist> (RNCEDIWORK2).The personalized, current EDI Worklist is thus available as a favoritein the SAP Easy Access menu. The BAdI Fill Header and Item Tables for the Report RNCEDIWORK2> ( ISH_EDI_WORKLIST>) lets you tailor the EDIWorklist to satisfy your own individual requirements. The BAdIimplementation modifies the lists to be displayed before the SAP ListViewer is called.Selection A wide range of selection options is available to you, depending on howthe list is to be used (case analysis, file analysis, evaluate messagetypes, and so on). Please refer to the value help for the variousselection options. The most important specification when using the worklist concerns theOnly to Be Processed> indicator in the Messages> group box.This indicator lets you select precisely those EDI messages that youhave still to process. You can further restrict the set of messages tobe processed by applying additional selection criteria. The system does not make the internal selection by patient name andorganizational unit until it has evaluated the other selection optionsspecified. When data volumes are large and the selection is highlyrestrictive this results in somewhat longer runtimes. For this reason,you should use the other selection options provided to restrict thedataset as far as possible. A selection according to organizational unit only makes sense and isonly possible for case-related EDI procedures. Regardless of whether youuse the organizational unit assignment as a selection criterion, thesystem displays the type of organizational unit (OU) in the selectionlist when case-related EDI procedures are concerned: either current/lastor admitting or discharging OU. The first or last visit is relevant foroutpatient cases. Note that for a selection according to organizational units, not allmessages of the EDI procedure must always be assigned to a case. To accelerate the creation of the list, the None> indicator in theAssigned Organizational Units> group box is set by default.Deselect this checkbox if you require the organizational units as aselection criterion or in the display. A selection according to patient name is possible for all case-relatedand patient-related EDI procedures. Note that not all messages of theEDI procedure are always directly assigned to a case or patient. Selecting EDI messages generally makes for extensive program executiontimes since messages are always high in number. For this reason, you canspecify the maximum number of hits you wish displayed. If you use thisoption, be aware that the system will not display all of the messagesthat match your selection criteria. The default setting of 500 messages is intended to prevent unnecessaryquantities of data from being processed. Note that circumstances mightrequire you to increase this number (for print lists, for example).Standard_variants Country version Austria: Special Features of EDI Procedure ELDAA For the ELDAA EDI procedure, you have to specify an admission/dischargedate on the selection screen. You can only select messages that areexplicitly assigned to an outpatient visit. In relation to the organizational units, only the Current or Last > mode is available to you. In this mode, the system uses theorganizational units of the outpatient visit that is explicitly assignedto a message as the criterion. Note that extensive selections quickly give rise to a considerablenumber of analyzed data records. To ensure optimum performance, SAPrecommends that you make full use of the selection criteria, and inparticular the admission/discharge date so as to limit the number ofdata records selected.Output The output screen shows a message list that matches your selectioncriteria. The list is sorted chronologically by EDI message creationdate. The list may contain error messages. You can display the error messagesassigned to an EDI message and (with the corresponding selection) theEDI message interactively, or hide it to make for greater clarity. You can tailor the layout of the message list to suit your ownrequirements: You can hide certain columns or modify the columnsequence. You can also apply sort criteria of your choosing to the EDImessages. You can save the list layout for a particular user (also as adefault layout). Clicking with the right mouse button on an EDI message or an errormessage calls the context menu for the respective EDI message or errormessage. The functions in the context menu are also available to you inthe menu bar. Activities General procedure for processing outbound EDI messages that aredisplayed in the list as errored or incomplete with error messages: RESET N1 On the initial screen, select Only to Be Processed> andOutbound Messages>. If necessary, deselect the InboundMessages> checkbox. SAP recommends that you process the error messages downwards. For each EDI message, clarify the facts, and in particular whether themissing or correct data is known or exists. If you can correct errors: Double-click on the error message to access the corresponding IS-Htransaction, enter the relevant data, and then save your input. Onceyou've saved, you return automatically to the EDI Worklist. Proceed to process the next EDI message. When you've finished processing the list, the results are visible afterapproximately five minutes. An immediate refresh is without effect,since the formatting of the modified EDI messages takes place in thebackground on a cyclical basis.General procedure for processing inbound EDI messages with warnings: RESET N1 On the initial screen, select Only to Be Processed> andInbound Messages>. If necessary, deselect the OutboundMessages> check box. Analyze and correct the error messages: If there is no error on the sender side: RESET N2 Modify the IS-H data to reflect the EDI message content by entering therequired data in the corresponding application transactions. Once you've made the changes, set the EDI message status to Finished , ok> If there is an error on the sender side: RESET N2 Use the function Add Error> to enter the reason for rejection asan external error>. You can select the various predefined errorcodes from the value help. If none of these predefined codes isappropriate, you can enter your own text stating the reason forrejection. If needs be, you can enter this text over several lines bycalling the function Add Error> as many times as necessary. Now set the EDI message status to Ext. Error>. Save your input. Particular Details on Functions in the Output List>
- Legend> displays the meaning of the icons in the list.
- Set Filter ...> lets you filter the displayed messages as you
require. You can save these filters together with the layout.
- The function Recreate> triggers renewed message formatting for
outbound EDI messages and also for messages that have already been sent.You might do this, for example, after you have corrected entries inCustomizing. Note that this action can recreate messages that havealready been sent. This can have a major effect on the consistency ofoutbound data. You should only use this function if you really have to.If in doubt, reconstruct the situation in the test system, and check tosee what the "knock-on" effects are. Messages can only be recreated if their content is different to that ofthe last message sent successfully, or if they have been rejectedbecause they are errored. Consequently, if you wish or have to send thesame message in a new file, you have to set the status of the lastmessage of this type sent to incorrect, rejected>, if the messagedoes not already have this status. This function is intended for recreating messages without changes in theapplication. Note that you do not have to execute this function eachtime data is changed in the application.
- The function Maintenance Transaction> takes you into transactions
where you wish to add data necessary for sending the messages. Example>: If the message reports a missing admission diagnosis,you can branch into the diagnosis maintenance for the case in question. After the message formatting program has run, the system no longerdisplays the corrected errors. The message formatting program usually inthe background on a cyclical basis. To find out the scheduled frequencyof program execution, please contact your system administrator.
- The function Change Message Status> lets you check the processing
of inbound EDI messages. Set the status of all processed inboundmessages that do not contain errors on the health insurer side toFinished, ok>. The system then classifies them as completed andwill not reselect them as messages to be processed. Please note here th at changing a message status can have further consequences. Thefollowing status specifications are possible: Completed (ok, processing successfully completed) If you choose this status, any existing error messages as well as theindividual segments for returning data (NC301W) and error confirmationsthat have not yet been sent are deleted. Following this, the message canonly be displayed with RNC301U2 (and no longer with RNC301I2). External error You can only choose this status if at least one external error has beendetected. The individual segments for returning data are stored inNC301W. An EDI order is generated automatically and sends an errormessage confirmation to the original sender the next time the messagesare formatted. Internal error (manual or automatic processing) You should choose automatic processing if the system set the status ofthe message to "internal error, manual processing" and the detectederror was only a temporary problem (locking problem or missingCustomizing entry). If the problem is resolved, you can then triggerprocessing with the report RNC301I1. You should do this straight away,and then check whether processing has been successful. If this is notthe case, you have to set the status of the message and file to "New,received", and then upload the message again. You should choose manual processing if you cannot correct the errorstraight away. In this case, you should inform the responsibleprocessing agent who must then check whether an error is actuallypresent in the data record (the status is then changed to "externalerror") or whether the information contained in the message can beevaluated in IS-H (enter the data manually in the appropriate IS-Htransaction, and then set the status to "completed"). For processing This status indicates that the message was imported correctly but atechnical method for updating the data in a transaction (for example,for ZAHL) has not been implemented. In this case, please notify thefinancial accounting department accordingly. You can then set the statusto "completed".
- Clear Hold Date> lets you release outbound EDI messages that are
withheld up to a particular date or event using a hold date. The systemsends these messages during the next send run if transmission is notprevented by errors , for example, the status 01> (never sentand incomplete or errored>).
- With certain EDI procedures that use a hold date for transmitting
messages, the Release Dependent Messages> function lets yourelease these messages for transmission.
- The Reimport> function lets you prepare an inbound message for
reimport. Once this is done, you have to reimport the message byperforming the activity Import File> (special function explicit file specification>) in the EDI Workbench. Do not forget toperform this second step. Otherwise, this message is considered by thesystem as not imported.