Title EDI Temporary Storage of Old EDI Status Management Records Purpose This program helps to improve the performance of EDI messageprocessing. It reduces the number of message status records in thecentral status management file (table NC301S) by storing all recordsprior to a key date on a half-year basis in a secondary file (NC301T).This accelerates your routine work with EDI messages. For this reason,you should run this program once every 6 months to place records olderthan ... (older than 1 year, for example) in temporary storage. The information in the secondary file is not deleted. However, oncestored, it can only be used in a limited manner. When the case data issubsequently archived, the records in temporary storage are alsoarchived. You can display the messages in temporary storage using the programRNCEDIUA2C. You can also display EDI messages that are in temporarystorage for a given case in the EDI case overview. Both display variants let you return all displayed messages fromtemporary storage to the central status management file (Undotemporary storage> function). The system deletes all message management records which are not case orpatient related along with the message and any error messages the nexttime messages are put into temporary storage.Prerequisites To execute this program you require the authorization S_PROGRAM withthe action SUBMIT for the authorization group specified in the programattributes. Features Selection The fields Communication procedure>, Institution>, andRecords older than> are required entry fields. The system only places records that are at least one year old intemporary storage. The half-year period in which the key date issituated is not processed. The system resets date specifications thatdo not correspond to a the beginning of a half-year to the half-yearstart. The program outputs the date that can be specified as the upperlimit for the selection criterion next to the input field on theselection screen (see example).Output The program only outputs success and error messages. Example Today's date is 10/15/2712. The minimum date specified on the selectionscreen is 07/01/2711. a) You enter any date after the first six months for the minimum date07/01/2711 (i.e. a date after 12/31/2711) in the key date field. Thesystem does not initiate processing and issues a corresponding errormessage. b) You enter 07/01/2711, or a date from the second six month period of2711 in the key date field. The system changes this date to 07/01/2711,and stores all records that were created prior to 07/01/2711. c) You enter any date between 01/01/2711 and 06/30/2711 in the key datefield. The system changes this date to 01/01/2711, and processes allmessage status records that were created prior to 01/01/2711. As aresult, the first six month period in 2711 is not processed at all. d) You enter any date between 07/01/2710 and 12/31/2710. The systemchanges this date to 07/01/2710, and processes all message statusrecords that were created prior to 07/01/2710. As a result, the secondsix month period of 2710 is not processed at all. |