SAP Program RNCEDIU0 - IS-H EDI: Create Message Orders Manually

This report enables you to trigger communication events manuallywithout having to change data in the system beforehand.
This means that you can dispatch messages even when the events are notautomatically recorded and converted into messages by the SAP System.

Please specify one of the following values:
EDI procedure
Case number
Communication status for dispatch (first submission, amendment, etc.)
To enable the system to write the order to the database thecommunication procedure for the specified institution has to be active.In addition, it is essential that a communication partner (datacollection point) was specified in the system.
Please make sure that the settings in Customizing are correct asotherwise no order can be stored.
If you create a communication order manually, this order has priorityover other potential orders (or orders that are created later, but onlyas long as the manually created order has not been dispatched).

The system writes a data record to the NC301 dispatch order table. Thisdata record is converted into a message the next time the RNC30100program is run.