Title Recreate All Messages of an EDI Outbound File Purpose This program is used if you want/have to recreate all messages of anEDI file, which has already been sent, without processing applicationdata. This is usually only necessary following errors situations thatcannot be resolved any other way. This program recreates these messages based on the current databasestatus. The messages that are recreated do not refer to any files. Whenthey are ready to be sent, the system takes them into account duringthe next file creation (like all other messages that are ready to besent). It is not possible to create exactly the same file in this way becauseusually there will be a number of new messages available by the time ofthe next file creation. If you do want to reconstruct an old file justas it was, you must use the create message file program ( RNC30101>) in the relevant processing mode.Prerequisites All messages of a file must still be contained in the EDI statusmanagement table NC301S with their file reference. The file managementrecord does not have to still exist as such, but you should only deleteit (if you must delete it at all) after the messages have beenrecreated. Check this using program RNC301U2> by selecting themessages sent with the data collection point and the correspondingcollection point related sequence file number. Exactly those messagesthat you select in this way are recreated with this program. Beforeexecuting the program ensure that the file number and messages arecorrect. Recreation cannot be reversed. Depending on the errors which made it necessary to recreate messages,you must satisfy the following requirements:
- Existing messages that have already been stored in EDI management with
file reference should be retained. This means in particular that therecipient does not expect the file with the same sequence number. In this case, the messages of a file must all have the status "sent andnot acknowledged" or "errored, rejected". Only these status can preventold messages from being deleted when messages are recreated. Thecorrect status in this situation is "errored, rejected". You should setthis status (using program RNC301U6>) if you have notalready done so.
- Existing messages which have already been stored in EDI management with
data reference should no longer exist when messages have beenrecreated. The file with the sequence number used last time inparticular should be transmitted again. In this case, you should set all messages of a file to the status"never sent and incomplete or errored". This status ensures that whenmessages are recreated, the old messages will be deleted. The filereference will also disappear. Before you remove a file managementrecord you should be absolutely sure that no more messages exist whichrefer to this file. If this is the case after you have recreated messages, then youprobably selected and recreated the wrong file. Contact SAP immediatelybefore other inconsistencies are caused. Do not create any more filesuntil the reason for this has been established.Features Messages are recreated based on the current database status. This maymean that messages do not look the same as when they were originallysent. In particular, this can lead to communication problems if the partnerhas accepted and imported further files in the meantime despite thisfile being refused. This is an incorrect response in the communicationprocedure and causes sequential problems that can rarely be solved. Selection Enter all selection parameters. Make absolutely sure that you haveentered the correct data collection point specific file number (programRNC301U2>).Output The system outputs the number of messages that were recreated. Activities The messages themselves are created in the next run of the messageformatting program (program RNC30100>).