Is the system information corherent?: "External system" indicator set? "All in one" indicator set? If a codepage is entered: does it exist? Are the TXCOM and script nameconventions observed? Do the TXCOM entries exist? Are control entriespresent in the HCM for the existing TXCOM entries? Does a GET_RESP entryexist for every GET_TAB entry? Is the system blocked at present? Isdirect dispatch active? If so, is an RFC destination specified? Does thespecified RFC destination exist? Is the dispatch/receipt control information correct? Are the existing entries permitted? Is the messagestandard/version/format specified? Does this message format exist? Canit be used? Are the dispatch entries in the correct control system(with/without reference) based on events? Is there more than one receiptcontrol entry for the same system and event? Dispatch/receipt control Are there any dispatch/receipt control entries for non-existent systems?Or for impermissible events? Do records without a remote function nameexist in synchronous dispatch control? Do the specified function modulesexist? Is the same external function called more than once? Message formats: Do customer message types/segments exist that are not used anywhere inthe system? Can the current message types/segments be used? Are thereany (incoherent) HL7 conversion entries for system message types (ownercode 'S*')? Does an HL7 message type with this owner code exist forevery HL7 conversion entry? Number ranges: Have the HCM number ranges been created/are they coherent? Are there anyHCM number ranges that are not required? Precondition Output |