SAP Program RNCCHK01 - IS-HCM: Installation Check For Partner Systems

This program checks whether the (selected) IS-H partner systems havebeen installed correctly. Communication with a partner system is notpossible as long as error messages (red) are displayed here.
This is an important tool for installing partner systems.
Please also note the standard information messages that are not markedin red. These indicate potential consistency problems as well asunneccessary entries in Customizing that reduce system performance.
A cross-client check often provides useful information.
Customer message types that are not used throughout the entire SAPsystem should be removed, since these unnecessary structure entriesplace an additional load on the system. Remember that the messageformatting program usually runs every 5 minutes. This constantimporting/sorting out of unnecessary entries uses up memory and slowsdown the system.
This also applies to other unnecessary entries that are listed under theother check results. Caution: these are only meaningful if the programwas started without a client restriction.
The following checks are performed:

  • On a system basis, for each selected system:

  • Is the system information corherent?:
    "External system" indicator set? "All in one" indicator set? If a codepage is entered: does it exist? Are the TXCOM and script nameconventions observed? Do the TXCOM entries exist? Are control entriespresent in the HCM for the existing TXCOM entries? Does a GET_RESP entryexist for every GET_TAB entry? Is the system blocked at present? Isdirect dispatch active? If so, is an RFC destination specified? Does thespecified RFC destination exist?
    Is the dispatch/receipt control information correct?
    Are the existing entries permitted? Is the messagestandard/version/format specified? Does this message format exist? Canit be used? Are the dispatch entries in the correct control system(with/without reference) based on events? Is there more than one receiptcontrol entry for the same system and event?
    • (Other) cross-system checks in the selected clients:

    • Dispatch/receipt control
      Are there any dispatch/receipt control entries for non-existent systems?Or for impermissible events? Do records without a remote function nameexist in synchronous dispatch control? Do the specified function modulesexist? Is the same external function called more than once?
      Message formats:
      Do customer message types/segments exist that are not used anywhere inthe system? Can the current message types/segments be used? Are thereany (incoherent) HL7 conversion entries for system message types (ownercode 'S*')? Does an HL7 message type with this owner code exist forevery HL7 conversion entry?
      Number ranges:
      Have the HCM number ranges been created/are they coherent? Are there anyHCM number ranges that are not required?



      • List of the selected/existing clients;

      • All system-based check results;

      • All other cross-system check results;

      • List of all institutions with activated HCM dispatch.