Description This program is started by an external communication partner to receivethe data transferred. The received records are compared once datatransfer has been completed and, depending on the result, a RCVOK orFALSE is sent. Following this, an entry is made in the table TNCRESPO. A dynamic,external Perform is then started for a routine that processes/writesthe transferred data to the database. This external program must becreated for the specific application. The subsystem receives anacknowledgement message from the 'ISHCM_RESPOND_TABLE' function modulewhen the records have been successfully written to the database. Precondition When this logic is used on the operating system AS400 (IS-H is runningon AS400, non-SAP system under UNIX or NT), a copy of this program mustbe made. In this copy, each text that has been received must beconverted. This conversion must be carried out with the explicitlyspecified codepage '1103', since the data is not available from thetable TN02S. The program name of the copy must be specified in thesideinfo file on the non-SAP system side. |