Description The RNCBLD00 report is the IS-HCM message formatting program. It readsthe dispatch orders from the NC01 table and converts each dispatchorder into a message (or no messages) ready to send in the table NC02. All of the existing dispatch orders are processed. Dispatch orders only remain in the NC01 table if an error has occurred.In this case, the program outputs the number of unprocessed dispatchorders in the log. RNCBLD00 should be installed as a cyclical background process as soonas IS-HCM is used. This is the only way to ensure constant orderprocessing. SAP recommendations:> RESET N1 Schedule RNCBLD00 as the first step in a background job with the name ISHCM_DISPATCH_xxx> RNCSND01 should be defined as the second step. 'xxx' stands for the client in which the job was scheduled. The jobwill only run/work for this client. Enter a "meaningful" repetition period. SAP generally recommends thatyou format and send messages every six minutes. If the interval is toosmall, the system will be overloaded unnecessarily by the backgroundprocesses. If the interval is too large, it may take too long for themessages to reach the recipient. The best compromise is usually basedon practical experience with the application in question. If you create separate jobs to format and dispatch messages, theyshould be defined in such a way that one job starts in the middle ofthe interval of the other job (see example below). By doing so, you canoptimize their interaction and rule out time losses due to blockingproblems (see below) to a large extent. In this case, you should define the job names as ISHCM_BUILDER_xxx > and ISHCM_SENDER_xxx>. For performance reasons, SAPrecommends the DISPATCH variant with two steps in one job.Precondition RESET N1 The program processes all of the dispatch orders of a client. For thisreason, the user executing the program must have adequateauthorizations in all institutions of the client. They must beauthorized to read all data contained in the used SY formats. This alsoapplies when only customer formats with restricted data sets are used.The customer-specific segments are filled on the basis of thecorresponding SY segments. In IS-HCM Customizing, you must define which systems are informed ofwhich events and how. The required message formats must be generated correctly. The message formatting and dispatch programs must not runsimultaneously. This is also prevented by the programs themselves. Thisblocking problem must be taken into account when you define the starttimes for separate jobs. Output A short log containing the number of processed orders. The log alsoindicates whether certain orders could not be processed. Example RESET N1 One job: ISHCM_DISPATCH_xxx first starts at 08:00 a.m. and then at six-minuteintervals, that is at 08:06, 08:12, 08:18, and so on. Separate jobs: ISHCM_BUILDER_xxx first starts at 08:00 a.m. and then at six-minuteintervals, that is at 08:06, 08:12, 08:18, and so on. ISHCM_SENDER_xxx first starts at 08:03 a.m. and then at six-minuteintervals, that is at 08:09, 08:15, 08:21, and so on. |