Description You can use this program to create the EDI orders for preadmissionvisits without admissions. The EDI update contains a special admission message: A message must be sent to the health insurance company if a case has apreadmission visit without a subsequent inpatient admission. Please choose the time period in such a way that all admissions forpreadmission visits would usually have been maintained in the systemhad any taken place. SAP recommends that you keep the proposed date selection and schedulethe program to run once a week in the background. This will ensure thatall preadmission visits that go back further than a week but no morethan five weeks are analyzed. To find cases without admission in the system and report them to thehealth insurance companies, you should run this report in cycles. Acorresponding EDI order record is then created in table NC301 for eachcase and is included the next time the message formatting program isrun. If only cancelled preadmission visits were found for which admissionmessages were transferred (on account of one of these visits), acorresponding cancellation record must now be sent. The necessary eventis also triggered by this report. Cases for which a preadmission visit has already been reported to thehealth insurance company (message status = sent) are not displayed. Thecases are still displayed in the selection list if the message has notbeen sent yet. During the next processing run, the system detects thatone message is sufficient and deletes the remaining (old) messages. Precondition The EDI communication procedure must be active, otherwise a warning isgenerated. EDI messages are only generated for the relevant cases ifyou ignore this warning and continue. All of the EDI-specific data should be maintained (particularly theinsurance provider data). To execute this program, you need the authorization S_PROGRAM with theaction SUBMIT for the authorization group specified in the reportattributes. Furthermore, the authorization N_EINR_REP is required for theinstitutions in question and the report. If this authorization is notavailable for the individual institutions, the relevant data is notoutput and cannot be changed. Output If you choose the "Display preadmission visits" field, EDI orderrecords are not created automatically for all of the cases found. Thesecases are first displayed on the screen to allow you to choose thosefor which an EDI message is actually to be sent to the health insurancecompany. (This option is only available with online processing and notwith background processing). Save your selection to trigger the EDImessages. Cases that must be send due to a previous cancellation message aremarked separately with an entry in the cancellation field. The corresponding EDI messages are generated the next time RNC30100 isrun. |