Description The processing status of EDI files or messages can be changed ifnecessary, for example, if a file marked "errored" when imported issubsequently corrected manually and is to be imported into the systemagain. This procedure should only be necessary during the test phase. If, prior to upgrading to IS-H Release 4.02, you have already used EDIdata in production operation, you can flag these files as productionfiles. Please note that in such cases, the production indicator is alsoset in the activation table TNC301GI. Note: Take care if you change the status of a sent message to "notsent" as this could lead to inconsistencies in the message assignment.If you assign the status "ready to send" to a message which has alreadybeen sent, this message is sent again (in the file next created). The original assignment to the first file is lost and this file cannotbe recreated, even with reconstruction (in program RNC30101)! Precondition To execute this program, you need the authorization S_PROGRAM with theaction SUBMIT for the authorization group specified in the reportattributes. The authorization N_EINR_REP is also required for the institutions inquestion and the report. If this authorization is not available forindividual institutions, the relevant data is not output and cannot bechanged. Output A list of files and messages is output using the SAP List Viewer. Thisenables you to sort the list as required, or output other fields usingthe layout. If you select a line, and click "Change status", aselection list containing the available status values is displayed.Choose an entry from the list to change the status of the file ormessage. |