Description This program outputs a case-related EDI message overview with errormessages. A wide range of selection options is available. Depending on how thelist is to be used (case analysis, file analysis, evaluate messagetypes, and so on), other selection combinations may be expedient.Please refer to the value help for the various selection options. The options displayed in the Additional restrictions> group arenot performed internally until you have defined the selection (based onthe above selection options). Please remember this before you definecomplex data selections. For this reason, you should use the selectionoptions provided as far as possible. The required sort sequence also depends on how the list is to be used.Note that the overview is always sorted first according to institutionand collection point (irrespective of the sort sequence you havedefined). Only then is the overview sorted according to the criteriayou have chosen. The exact sort sequence is as follows:
- Sort according to status:
Institution - collection point - send status - case - EDI messagenumber
- Sort according to case:
Institution - collection point - case - EDI message number
- Sort according to send until date:
Institution - collection point - send until date - case - EDI messagenumber
- Sort according to file structure:
Institution - collection point - file number - direction (in/out) -number in file - EDI message number - case
- Sort according to EDI message number:
Institution - collection point - EDI message number - case
- Sort according to creation time:
Institution - collection point - creation time - case - send status -EDI message numberPrecondition To execute this program, you need the authorization S_PROGRAM with theaction SUBMIT for the report group N_U_HCMD. The authorization N_EINR_REP is also required for the institutions inquestion and the report RNC301U2. If the authorization is not availablefor individual institutions, the relevant data is not output. If in exceptional cases certain errors can be ignored (i.e. errors arechanged to warnings to enable the message to be sent), theauthorization N_U3_UWA is also required. However, this authorizationshould be granted to a strictly limited number of users, since changingerrors into warnings annuls the rules of the respective communicationprocedure. Detailed knowledge of these rules and of additionalexceptions is a prerequisite for the correct use of this function. Output A list containing all of the message information is created. This listis always grouped according to institution and then data collectionpoint, irrespective of the selected sort sequence. The defined sortsequence is only then applied. The following are output:
- The exact time of the status displayed. This is the time at which the
message formatting program was last run before the list was created.
- Control data for each individual EDI message (contents of the NC301S
- The message stored in the system (in its original format), if this was
specified in the selection.
- Any error messages associated with the message.
The following options are available for viewing the long text of anerror message:
- Choose the icon adjacent to the error message
- Position the cursor on the message and choose 'Long text' (or press F9)
You can branch to the associated maintenance transaction bydouble-clicking an error message (or via the Error Handling > function) and enter the data required to dispatch the messages. Atpresent, however, this is only implemented for error messages where youare required to perform an activity. Example:> if the system reports a missing admission diagnosis(E343), you can branch into diagnosis maintenance for the case inquestion by double-clicking the message. Exit points are marked by a small tick (when you return to the list).Apart from this, the tick has no other significance. In other words, itdoes not indicate:
- Whether the error has been corrected
- Whether any changes have been made
Important:> inputs made in this way do not cause the errormessage to disappear immediately. Even if errors of this kind have beencorrected by entered data (either in a different window or by anotheruser), the same error is usually displayed again when this program isrestarted. The corrected errors only disappear when the orderprocessing program (RNC30100>) has been successfullyrun again. You can view the most recent processing time under the'Status' heading.> The message formatting program usually runs in the background on acyclical basis. For more information, please contact your systemadministrator. The program may have to be run more often or rescheduledto allow you to work more effectively. When certain error numbers occur (at present only the number 414),special handling is possible. You can change this message (contrary tothe rules of the communication procedure) into a warning and therefore- if there are no further error messages for this communication message- send the message to the receiving system. Since this requires adetailed knowledge of the rules and exceptions of the communicationstandard, this function can only be executed by those users who alsohave the authorization N_U3_UWA. Please note that it is only expedient to change an error into a warningif no further errors exist. When the corresponding data is modifiedagain in the IS-H System, this message is formatted again. During thisformatting, the error message you changed to a warning is once againdisplayed as an error (and no longer a warning). When you click the message or the 301 number to branch to thefield-based message display. When you click the case number, the EDI case overview is displayed. Inthis way, you can call an instant overview of all of the EDI messagesfor a case. You can also branch to each individual message from thisoverview. In the case of inbound messages, you can also branch to the inboundwork list and further process the message. In order to do so, positionthe cursor on the message number, and choose Goto -> InboundWorklist>. If an EDI reference message is specified, you can view it by clickingthe reference message number. A small arrow to the right of this numberindicates that this reference message has already been sent. In the case of outbound messages, or messages that have already beensent, you can regenerate the overview (by choosing Create Again >). You might do this, for example, after you have corrected entriesin Customizing. Note that you can also re-create messages that havealready been sent. This can have a major effect on the consistency ofthe outbound data. You should only use this function if you really haveto. If in doubt, reconstruct the situation in the test system, andcheck to see what the knock-on effects are. Messages can only be re-created if their content is different to thatof the last message sent successfully, or if they are have beenrejected because they are errored. Consequently, if you wish, or haveto send the same message in a new file, you have to set the status ofthe last message of this type sent to 'errored message, rejected >', if the message does not already have this status.