Description EDI Inbound File Import Program This program is used to import the inbound EDI files. Call this program periodically as a background job during normaloperation and specify the respective institution as the parameter. If you are using all-in-one directory logic for data reception on thecommunication server, the system first searches the transfer systemdirectory stored in Customizing for new files. The files are locatedusing the file naming convention defined in Customizing. If new files are present, they are copied to the corresponding standardIS-H directories (and renamed if necessary) using the data collectionpoint specified in the order file. If you have flagged the Delete External Files after Transfer>checkbox, the files are deleted from the directory on the communicationserver after they have been copied to the IS-H directory (this isequivalent to moving the files). In the next step, the files are imported to the standard IS-Hdirectories and processed. You can also execute both steps separatelyby flagging the Internal Processing only> or ExternalProcessing only> checkboxes. If you do not want to process the files from every collection point,you can restrict the collection points involved. You can also import individual files directly by specifying theassociated collection point and flagging the Explicit FileSpecification> checkbox. A second window is then displayed in whichyou can enter the file name and path. Do not forget to specify the sequence number of the file, which isspecific to the collection point and contained in the data file ("dataexchange reference" in the §301 amendment). This option is only available in online mode. Line breaks - provided they exist - are automatically recognized andtaken into account.Precondition Individual segments must not be longer than 255 characters. Messagescan be infinite in length. Consecutive messages can also be separatedby line breaks, although this is not mandatory. To execute this program, you require the authorization S_PROGRAM withthe action SUBMIT for the report group N_U3_R0. The authorization N_EINR_REP is required for the institution inquestion and the report RNC301I0. Moreover, the S_DATASET file access permissions are required for theprograms RNC30101, RNC301I1, RNCFORM0, SAPLNC10G, SAPLNC11, SAPLNC12,SAPLNC12G (with the activities READ, WRITE, DELETE in each case). SAPrecommends that to reduce the work involved in granting authorizations auser with system administrator rights executes this report. Output An overview of the number of files that have been transferred orimported is displayed If you flagged the Output Error Log> checkbox, a list or anoverview of all the EDI error messages classified as "to be processedinternally" or "to be reported to the health insurer" is output. Notethat this is not necessary in normal operation. You should not flagthis checkbox when you schedule this report to execute in thebackgound. |