Description Program RNC301H4 aligns the number range interval of the number rangeobject ISH_NCEDI0 on the current year. For this, the positions 7 - 10of the upper and lower limits of the interval are modified.
- If you leave the Year> field empty, and do not select the
Initial run> option, then the system overwrites these positionswith the current year and the current number level is reset.
- If you enter a year in the Year> field, then this entry is used
instead of the current year for the current number level change. Thisfunctionality is only possible in online mode and not in batch mode. If you select the Initial run> option, you can set a number rangeinterval that has not yet been maintained. If you leave the Year>field empty, then the current year is used. Note that the functionalityof the tolerance interval is not active here (see below). If you havemade an entry in the Year> field, this entry is used. You can also schedule and execute the program on 31/12. The one daytolerance means that the number range interval is aligned on the nextyear. The program was designed for the EDI procedure CCPS and, therefore, isonly applicable to the country version Singapore. It would make sense to schedule this program once a year, e.g. on thefirst of January each year.Precondition Authorization To execute this program, you need the S_PROGRAM authorization with theSUBMIT action for the authorized group specified in the programattributes. You also need the N_EINR_REP authorization for theinstitutions in question and program RNC301U9. Valid EDI procedures This program is only intended for EDI procedures with year-relatednumber range interval of the ISH_NCEDI0 object. For the country versionSingapore, the standard EDI procedure is CCPS. Scope of Functions Selection Obligatory INCLUDE ISH_SE_INSTITUTION OBJECT DOKU ID TX In addition, you must specify a valid Communication procedure>(EDI procedure). The system proposes the EDI procedure that you lastselected.Optional If you enter a year in the Year> field, you limit the numberrange interval with this year instead of with the current year (onlyactive in online mode!). You must select the Initial run> option if the number rangeinterval for the ISH_NCEDI0 object has not yet been maintained and isnow being set for the first time. Note that the tolerance functionalityis not active in this case.Output When the program is executed online, you receive positive confirmationif the number range interval was successfully changed, or errormessages if problems occurred during the program run. In batch mode,you can also send these system messages by e-mail by scheduling theRNCMON00> program to run directly after this program.To enable automatic e-mailing, you need to have entered and activatedthe function module ISHCM_MONITOR_NRANGE_NCEDI0 in the Customizingtable NCMON (in Customizing for IS-H by choosing Communication ->IS-HCM -> Maintain Monitoring Checks> >).Example Your number range interval was limited in the following way in 1998:00000000001998000000 through 00000000001998999999. Execute the report on 01/01/1999 with the following selection criteria: Institution: ,,1 Communication procedure: ,,CCPS Year: Initial run: The following number range interval entries are then in the NRIV tablefor the number range object ISH_NCEDI0: 00000000001999000000 through00000000001999999999. The current number level is re-initialized00000000000000000000.