SAP List Viewer
>. Each line in the list contains the compared data as well as thecomparison status of the respective insurance provider (traffic lighticon).
This comparison is also used to check the data of certain physical datacollection points (third-party providers without decoding authority ).
You can transfer the data of selected insurance providers from thecomparison file into the IS-H System.Precondition
The comparison file must be stored in the specified directory on theapplication or presentation server.
Enter the identifier of the region in which your hospital is located asthe region identifier.
You can also include insurance providers that have already beenassigned a data collection point on your selection screen and assignthem a new collection point. To do so, deselect the field "Missing DCPsonly".
Selection list after comparison
A list containing all of the selected insurance providers with theircomparison status is first displayed. The traffic light symbolindicates the following statuses:
Red = The logical data collection points do not match.
Yellow = The insurance provider was not recognized from the "institute"indicator.
Green = The logical data collection points match.
The physical data collection point of the logical points that match thecomparison file are also checked. If the system data does not match thecomparison data, the line is highlighted (yellow). Please check theCustomizing data of the relevant data collection points.
Data collection points that have been changed are displayed with boththe old and new values.
You can select insurance providers in the list whose data collectionpoints in the system differ from those in the comparison file. The newdata collection point (from the comparison file) for the selectedinsurance providers is stored when you execute the "Change DCP"function.
Select the required insurance providers, or choose "Select incorrect"to select the lines with different data collection points ("red trafficlight").
You can also choose "Select all" and deselect those insurance providersthat are not to be assigned the new data collection point. Then executethe "Change DCP" function to save the changes in the database.
Result list
Once the changes have been made, the insurance provider lines whosedata collection point could not be changed are marked in red. A columnwith icons indicating the result of the changes is also displayedinstead of the selection column.
Finally, you receive a list stating the total number of insuranceproviders as well as the individual insurance providers that werechanged. Successful changes are indicated by a check icon.
An insurance provider can only be assigned a new data collection pointif the master data of the new point (table NC301P) is alreadymaintained in IS-H. If the program cannot make the change for thisreason, a different icon ("lightning symbol") is displayed.
If errors occur when a change is made, e.g. due to a locking problem, afurther icon ("X") is displayed.
The columns in the list that contain data from the comparison file aredisplayed in blue.
The icons and the color codes for the individual lines are explained ina legend, which you can display by choosing Goto -> Display legend.