Description Data transfer using EDI - Customizing utility This program can be used to assign a (new) data collection point to all- or selected - insurance providers. This means that you do not have tomaintain each insurance provider individually. Alternatively, you can also replace an old data collection point in theinsurance provider attributes with a new one. In both cases, an overview of the changes that have been made isdisplayed when you start the program. In this way you can still excludecertain insurance providers, that is, leave their data collection pointunchanged. When you choose Change DCP>, the new data collectionpoint is saved for the insurance providers marked in the list.Precondition To execute this program, you need the authorization S_PROGRAM with theaction SUBMIT for the authorization group specified in the reportattributes. You can also include insurance providers who have already been assigneda data collection point in your selection on the screen and therebyassign them the new collection point. In order to do so, deselectMaintain missing DCPs only>.Output First a list is displayed containing all of the insurance providerswhose data collection point can be changed. The old data collectionpoint is displayed beside the new one. Select the required insurance provider. You can also choose Selectall> and then deselect those providers whom you don't want to assignthe new collection point. Following this, choose Change DCP> tosave the changes to the database. Note that these changes are notcarried out by the transport system. Finally, a list is displayed indicating how many and which of theinsurance providers were changed. Changes that were made successfullyare marked with a "tick". Errors, for example due to a blockingproblem, are indicated by a "cross". |