Description EDI File Creation Program This program creates files that are ready to be exchanged with healthinsurance companies using EDI. All of the messages that are ready to besent to the selected decoding data collection points are combined in afile that is specific to this collection point. Errored and incorrectmessages are not included. The associated order file is also generated. Only institution-specific files can be created. Enter the requiredinstitution. You can choose between three different processing modes: RESET N1 The program is usually used to 'process multiple data collectionpoints>' in the background on a cyclical basis. In this mode, the datafor all of the collection points is processed. You can also specify arange of data collection points in the box on the screen. If you choose to 'process an individual data collection point>',you must specify the collection point explicitly. The next file for isthen created for this particular collection point. Assuming that you donot make any further entries, this has the same effect as entering thiscollection point in both of the selection fields for processing multipledata collection points. If you wish to recreate a file that has already been created ortransferred, this is also possible when you are processing individualdata collection points. In this case, you must specify the datacollection point and the data collection point-specific number of thedesired file. Do not flag the Restart file creation after abort>option. It may be necessary to recreate a correct file if the original file hasbeen lost during transmission or in the receiver system, or if thetransfer system requires encoding to be repeated and the file is nolonger available in the directory. Take note that you can, of course,only re-create a file if you have not deleted any of the originalmessages transmitted. If an error occurs (for example, if file creation is aborted) it isimportant that none of the data is lost. If a file could not be createdcompletely, the problem can be rectified by the program. However, thefile in question must first be removed (rename it to check the contentsafter the procedure is restarted). You can rectify situations such asthese by checking the 'Restart file creation after abort' indicator. Theprogram then checks whether the file creation procedure was reallyterminated. Only then is the procedure restarted. Following this, youshould compare the result with the incomplete file to determine whetherthe complete file actually contains all of the required records. 'Process individual message>' mode is usually not required instandard operation. It is required, however, to create an error file(that does not contain any further useful data) when certain errorsoccur. When the data is accepted, an exceptional situation may arise wherebyone of the messages received by the health insurance company has a level1 error (error in service segment sequence or syntax). In this case, aseparate error file must be created and sent to the health insurancecompany. This file only contains the message FEHL (error). A separatereport RNC30102 is implemented for this purpose and checks whethererrors of this kind occur when the health insurance company files areimported. If this is the case, an additional file is created for eacherror message as well as for any existing files with regular messages.The RNC30101 report is used with the 'Process individual message' modefor this purpose. In the control parameters (irrespective of the processing mode you haveselected), you can specify whether the file is to be transferredimmediately after it has been created (by the transfer system). If youchoose this option, the program calls the remote function stored in theconnection data of the transfer system once after all of the files havebeen created. The information on all of the new files is thus sent tothe transfer system which can then transfer the files (immediately). If the files are to be deleted in the collection point directories afterthey have been copied to the transfer system directory, you shouldselect the corresponding option listed under the control parameters.This does not affect file handling on the transfer system in thespecified transfer directory. This option, therefore, will save youhaving to delete these files at a later stage. You can also insert line breaks in the file. Since there are no fixedrules in this respect, SAP provides the option of saving each message toa separate line in the file. If your communication partner requires linebreaks, you can generate them by selecting the 'One line per message'option. Since line breaks are often platform specific, you can choosebetween the following line break codes: Line feed LF (hexadecimal '0A') is usually used as a line break in theUNIX environment; Carriage return CR and line feed LF (hexadecimal '0D0A') is commonlyused in the PC environment; Other hexadecimal code: other codes can be entered directly. You can insert a line break at the end of each segment only with thoseEDI procedures that explicitly require segments to end with aline break.This option is without effect for all other EDI procedures. If you flagthis option, the One message per line> option is automaticallyflagged too. Note that, in the case of mass processing (multiple data collectionpoints), the line breaks are entered for every file. If only some of thecollection points have special requirements in this regard, they must beremoved from the general mass processing run and processed in a separatevariant. For EDI procedures that permit separate files to be created according tomessage type, you can specify a restriction in the Message type>field. This is a required entry field for EDI procedures that stipulatethat only one message type may occur in file. With EDI procedures that create files in relation to a period, you haveto specify the start and end of the processing interval.Precondition To execute this program, you need the authorization S_PROGRAM with theaction SUBMIT for the report group N_U3_S1. The authorization N_EINR_REP is also required for the institution inquestion and the report RNC30101. Moreover, the S_DATASET file access permissions are required for theprograms RNC30101, RNC301I1, RNCFORM0, SAPLNC10G, SAPLNC11, SAPLNC12,SAPLNC12G (with the activities READ, WRITE, DELETE in each case). SAPrecommends that to reduce the work involved in granting authorizations auser with system administrator rights executes this report. EDI data interchange must be active in the relevant institution. Output An overview of the messages processed for each collection point. |