Description In the Singapore country version, an invoice is submitted to thepatient when he/she is discharged (inpatient case) or at case end(outpatient case). If (part of) the costs incurred by the patient are absorbed by aninsurance relationship for which coverage can only be estimated in theIS-H System (e.g. Medisave), the patient receives a provisionalinvoice. If a provisional invoice exists for a patient, you can only makelimited changes to this patient's case data in the IS-H System. Forinstance, you cannot make changes to services. If, for example, you have to make subsequent changes to the servicesentered for the case, you first have to cancel the provisional invoice. This program enables you to cancel provisional invoices. It makes thefollowing changes: Billing status of the case reset to not billed> The provisional invoice is flagged as cancelled in the database.Settings for Program Execution On the selection screen, you can either enter a case selection(selection indicator) or directly enter the cases whose provisionalinvoice you want to cancel. You can execute the program in two distinct modes:
- Dialog mode
A dialog box is displayed listing the cases and their associatedprovisional invoices which you can cancel. You select the requiredcasesand cancel their provisional inovices by choosing Canceldocument>. You save all the changes displayed in the list on the database bychoosing Save>. If you want to cancel provisional invoices in dialog mode, do notselect Cancel immediately>.
- Direct mode
In this mode, the system immediately cancels the provisional invoicesfor the cases specified on the selection screen. The changes made areoutput in the results list. Select this processing mode if you want toexecute the program in the background. To do this, select Cancelimmediately>. If you want to add the cases whose provisional invoices you arecancelling to a case selection, select Append selectionindicator>. If the case selection is new, you can enter a shortdescriptive text for it in the Comment on case selection> field.If you do not enter a comment here, the system will use the followingtext: RNASTO04: date time. Note A provisional invoice is a logical object. Depending on the number ofinsurance providers involved in the case, a provisional invoice cancomprise several single invoices.Precondition The program only determines cases with the billing statusProvisionally billed>.Output The program outputs a list of the cases determined. The provisionalinvoice is displayed for each case. The functions of theABAP List Viewer> are available in the outputlist.