Description This program cancels items in invoices that are selected via servicesand a validity interval for these services. You must specify the service(s) and the service period. The latter isnecessary to ensure that no billing gaps are created for extendedservices. These would not be taken into account the next time invoicesare created. The program selects all invoice items whose start date is after oridentical to the service date specified, or whose service date is withinthe validity period of the invoice item.
- Subsequent invoices may also be canceled partially: these are all of the
documents with a later entry date in the insurance provider/caseselection that were not already cleared by a cancellation or are notcancellations themselves and which contain the specified services. A check is run on the invoices selected to see if any extended servicesthey contain are also contained in later invoices addressed to the sameinsurance provider. In the case of these documents, the services whose start date is afteror identical to the entered service date or whose service date occurswithin the validity period of the invoice item are canceled. Please use the output error list to determine whether the subsequentinvoices were not canceled due to blocking errors. These must then becanceled subsequently to avoid gaps.
- You can stipulate the billing date of the cancellation in the Date
of cancellation doc.> field. If you leave this field blank, or if thedate you enter is before the billing date of the invoice, this billingdate is used.
- Technical information: Both the billing tables and IS-H-specific
information are updated, that is, the billing indicator (NFAL-ABRKZ) andthe table NBRKAZ which contains the down payments/copayments assigned tothe invoices.
- If invoices have already been cleared in Financial Accounting, the
corresponding clearing date is also output.
- The cancellations can then be printed directly. These are marked and
sorted according to case number on a further list. A correspondingparameter is provided on the selection screen and a comment appears onthe 1st list with the invoices.
- If you want to archive the cancellations automatically when the forms
are printed out, select Single print control>. Make sure that theTest print> field is not selected, since the cancellations canonly be archived when the forms are printed in live mode. Note that the cancellations are only archived if you have activated thecorresponding invoice form for archiving in the IS-H ImplementationGuide>.
- You can restrict your invoice selection further using the billing date
(date at which the invoice was transferred into Financial Accounting orposting date) and the creation date of the billing document.
- You can also write the case numbers of the cancellations to a case
selection by specifying a new selection identifier on the selectionscreen or using an existing one. Note for R/2 Systems If your Financial Accounting module runs on an R/2 System, theadditional checkbox R2/RF: update immediately> features on theprogram selection screen. If you flag this option, the relevant invoice numbers are immediatelytransferred into RF. The document numbers assigned there are then thereturned and the billing document header document is updatedaccordingly. If communication is free of error, after the billingdocument run all invoice fields are filled as if your FinancialAccounting module were running on an SAP system. If you do not flag this option, you have to execute program RNACRF00 toretrieve the Financial Accounting document numbers from R2/RF and updatethe billing document header with them. Caution: If your Financial Accounting module runs on an R/2 System, anumber of settings for communication between the systems must be made.For further information about these settings, refer to the IS-HImplementation Guide>.Precondition The selection index must exist before it can be used. If your selectionis case based, you should restrict the range if possible. This hasperformance advantages in that a case selection is performed first evenif you also enter document numbers, and so on. Output If the cancellations are not updated immediately, a list of documents tobe canceled is output sorted according to case number, insuranceprovider and document number. You can prevent individual invoices frombeing canceled by removing the marker in the first column (note thatthis is also relevant for subsequent invoices). You can then eithercancel the documents immediately, or check the effects of canceling in atest run. Example A case has 2 services (L1 from 01/01 - 01/20 and L2 from 01/01 - 01/10).The following invoices also exist: invoice 1 for insurance provider K1,which runs until 01/10; invoice 2 for insurance provider K2, from 01/11- 01/15 and invoice 3 for insurance provider K1 (!) from 01/16 - 01/20 1st situation: L1 is to be partially canceled for insurance provider K1as of 01/15: invoice 3 is proposed for partial cancellation. 2nd situation: L1 is to be partially canceled for insurance provider K2as of 01/01: invoice 2 is proposed for partial cancellation. 3rd situation: L1 is to be partially canceled for insurance provider K3as of 01/03: invoices 1 and 3 are proposed for partial cancellation. Themarker beside invoice 3 is removed from the list, that is, it is not tobe canceled. However, it is also canceled with the other invoices inorder to avoid gaps in the invoice sequence. 4th situation: L2 is to be partially canceled without a selectedinsurance provider as of 01/11. No invoices are proposed forcancellation.