Description The report IS-H: Print Collective Invoice> (RNASRE01) lets youprint collective invoices.Precondition
- Make sure that the collective invoice field is ready for input in
Financial Accounting. If need be, contact your system administrator.
- When a collective invoice is printed, among other things, the system
deducts an existing down payment for insurance providers and a copaymentfrom a single invoice. When the down payment is cleared, the systemcopies the collective invoice number into the credit memo document. Whenthe system deducts a copayment from a single invoice, it also copies thecollective invoice number into the copayment document (receivableprocedure) or into the credit memo document (collection procedure).
- When a collective invoice for self-payers is printed, any down payment
made by the self-payer is also deducted. When the down payment iscleared, the system copies the collective invoice number into the creditmemo document. If the down payment is not cleared, the system CANNOTcopy the collective invoice number into the down payment document, sincethe "collective invoice number" field does not exist in the down paymentdocument in FI. The following prerequisites must be met for the system to deduct acopayment from an invoice: The Copayment Obligation> indicator must be set in the insurancerelationship for which the invoice was created. A copayment procedureinvolving deduction from invoice must be defined in the master record ofthe insurance provider. A valid self-payer insurance relationship must be defined for the case.
- A unique customer must be assigned to the self-payer in Financial
- The copayment has not previously been deducted from another non-canceled