Description To create a collective invoice you require an invoice selection. Thisselection contains all of the invoices that are to be combined in acollective invoice. This program enables you to create invoice selections. In relation tothe selection criteria you enter, the system determines the relevantinvoices and combines them in invoice selections. The program generatesthe necessary invoice selection indicators internally. You can alsochoose to create your collective invoices immediately. Selection Criteria Specify at least the institution on the selection screen. Additional selection criteria enable you to further restrict theinvoices to be determined. Meaning of specific selection criteria:
- Collective Invoice per Crcy>
Select this field if you want to combine only invoices of one currencyin a collective invoice. The program automatically creates an invoiceselection per payer and currency.
- Include Printed Invoices>
A collective invoice can only include invoices that have not yet beensent as single invoices to the payer. If a single invoice has alreadybeen printed in production mode, it is assumed that this invoice hasbeen sent to the payer. Consequently, this invoice will no longer beincluded in an invoice selection. The Include Printed Invoices>indicator enables you to stipulate that invoices that have been printedin production mode are to be included in the invoice selection. Thisalso concerns the creation of a §302 full invoice. Select this field if your institution prints invoices in production modefor verification purposes, but does not send the paper version to thepayer. In such cases, the system does not interpret the live print dateof an invoice as the date at which the paper invoice is sent.
- Self-Payers Only>
Select this field if you want to create invoice selections that onlycontain self-payer invoices. If you have selected this field, the system only determines invoices forself-payers. Any specifications you may have made in the fieldsInsurance Provider Type> and/or Insurance Provider> on theselection screen will be ignored. The system includes all self-payer invoices for the same payer in aninvoice selection. If there are self-payer invoices with an alternative invoice recipientcontrolled using a one-time account, the system only includes theinvoices for which the payee in the one-time account document isidentical in the invoice selection. This is necessary since for one-timeinvoices the payer per self-payer is not unique. If you wish the self-payer invoice selection only to include invoices inone currency, select the Collective Invoice per Crcy> field. When creating invoice selections for self-payers, the system will notcreate an invoice selection if the selection only contains one invoice.This restriction does not apply to the creation of invoice selectionsfor insurance providers. Once self-payer invoices have been assigned to a collective invoice,they can only be printed in test mode.
- Create §302 Full Invoice>
With the billing procedure pursuant to §302 SGB V, a full invoice can becreated for each insured person or for each institute number on thehealthcare smart card. If a full invoice per institute number on thehealthcare smart card is to be transmitted by EDI, you must first createa full invoice pursuant to §302. To do this, set the Create §302Full Invoice> indicator. The system automatically determines all §302relevant invoices that match the specified selection criteria, andcreates an invoice selection per payer, institute number on thehealthcare smart card and currency. To ensure consistency, when you run the program in production mode youmust create the collective invoices immediately, since EDI messagescannot be created or sent in the period between selecting the invoicesand creating the collective invoices. To do this, set the CreateCollective Invoices Immediately> indicator.
- Billing Type>
The system only determines invoices that contain the billing types thatyou specified. Please keep in mind that these invoices can also containother billing types that you did not explicitly specify. If you set the Create §302 Full Invoice> indicator, the systemonly accepts the billing types that are used for billing pursuant to§302. If you do not specify a billing type, the system determines thecorrect billing types internally.
- Case Type>
If you set Create §302 Full Invoice> indicator, the system onlyaccepts the case type outpatient>. If you do not specify a casetype, the system determines the correct case type internally. For thisreason you do not have to make an entry in this field.Settings for Program Execution If you execute the program in Test Mode>, no changes are made inthe database. Only execute the program in Live Mode>, if you wantto save the created invoice selection(s) in the database. Create Collective Invoices Immediately> You can only select this option if you execute the program in production(live) mode. When you select this option, the system automaticallycreates collective invoices from all successfully created invoiceselections. Before creating the collective invoices, check the invoiceselections carefully, since it is only possible to undo the assignmentof an invoice to a collective invoice by canceling the invoice. If you create invoice selections for §302 full invoices, you have tocreate the collective invoices immediately in production mode. Thismeans that you have to set the Create Collective InvoicesImmediately> indicator.Precondition The program selects invoices that match the selection criteria youspecified. Moreover, the following conditions must be satisfied for aninvoice to be included in the invoice selection:
- The invoice has not been printed (no entry in table NBRK).
If you selected Include Printed Invoices>, printed invoices arealso included in the invoice selection.
- The invoice is not already assigned to a collective invoice.
- The invoice has not been cleared in FI (i.e. an incoming payment
resulting in open items being cleared has not been made for theinvoice).
- The Cllct. Inv. Only> or Single + Cllct. Inv.> incicator is
set in the master record of the insurance provider to which the invoiceis issued. No restriction applies here when creating invoice selections forself-payers.
- The invoice is not fully canceled.
- The invoice is posted on to FI (i.e. the posting status of the invoice
is C>). This is a requirement because the collective invoicenumber of the SD billing document is not transferred to FI when you postthe invoice subsequently to FI.
- The invoice cannot be relevant for §302 if you did not set the
Create §302 Full Invoice> indicator.
- The invoice must be relevant for §302 if you set the Create §302
Full Invoice> indicator. An invoice is relevant for §302 if it satisfies the following criteria:
- Invoice for an outpatient case
- Invoice is not a cancellation
- Invoice is not a credit memo
- Invoice is not an adjustment/follow-on invoice.
An invoice is an adjustment invoice if the associated case has acanceled invoice that was sent to the insurance provider as a paperversion or by EDI. If you set the Include Printed Invoices>indicator, the system interprets the invoices for which the databasecontains a print data as not sent.
- Insurance provider is relevant for data exchange pursuant to §302
- Billing type for medication for §302 exists (internal billing type 32).
The billing type for medical devices (internal billing type 33) is notsupported.
- Invoice has not been sent by EDI or as paper version. The Include
Printed Invoices> option lets you include printed invoices in yourselection.
- Invoice is not canceled
- For the system to be able to assign the §302 relevant invoices to an
invoice selection, the institute indicator on the healthcare smart cardmust be maintained. This number is located in the HI No.> field inthe HC SC Data> of the case-related insurance relationship data.If this field is not maintained, when the program is executed inproduction mode the system switches to test mode to check thatincomplete invoice selections will not be saved in the database.
- Invoice currency is EURO
Officially, invoices for §302 may only be transmitted in the currencyEURO. If your system contains a §302-relevant invoice that does not havethe currency EURO, the system switches from live mode to test mode. The following criteria apply for assigning an invoice to an invoiceselection:
- All of the invoices in an invoice selection must have the same payer or
payee (for one-time account invoices).
- The selection parameter Collective Invoice per Crcy> enables you
to stipulate that all of the invoices in an invoice selection must havethe same currency.