Description The report selects cases for billing and makes these available in theappropriate tables. You can use the selected cases in billing byassigning a unique selection identifier. Achtung The function for performing searches via patient names has beenoptimized in this report. If a search is made for exactly one patientvia the patient's name, the runtime of this report is longer than thatof the report RNASEL00. If you are searching for cases for exactly onepatient, you should use the report RNASEL00. You must always enter the institution and identifier for caseselection. In the billing mode you can choose - production billing - cancellation billing - test billing The default setting is "Test billing". You must enter a unique key for case selection under "Kennung fürFallselektion". Your selected cases are stored under this key. If the key already exists, any additional cases will be added to theexisting case selection. Finally billed cases are n o t usually selected. Only "not billed" or"partially billed" cases are selected. If, however, you want to selectfinally billed cases (for example, cancellation of an invoice), youhave to ?? the field "Abrechn. Fälle". You can also restrict case selection so that only cases with dischargediagnoses are selected. If you do not want to restrict case selection, you have to deselect thefield "Entlassdiagnose vorhanden". You can also restrict case selection with the field "All requestsconfirmed". Only those cases whose requests have the status "Confirmed"are then selected. If you only want to select discharged cases, you can restrict theselection quantity further by entering the discharge type. Only those discharge cases which do not belong to the entered dischargetype will then be selected. The discharge type can only be used in conjunction with the dischargedate. You can restrict case selection further via the departmentalorganizational unit. Please note the following with regard to this:
- If you restrict case selection via the discharge date of the case, the
the departmental organizational unit assigned to discharge will bechecked against the entered departmental organizational unit.
- If you do not enter a discharge date for case selection, the last
movement of each case is checked against the departmentalorganizational unit. Only admission, transfer and discharge are, however, used as lastmovements. Outpatient visits and absences are not taken intoconsideration here. Example: You enter care unit "ST1" as the departmental organizational unit andthe discharge period "01.01.1995 - 01.04.1995". The cases selected are those whose discharge dates are within theabove-mentioned period and for which the case unit "ST1" is assigned asthe departmental organizational unit for discharge. If you do not want to make any database changes, you can choose the"test mode" as the processing mode. In the "test mode", as in the non-test mode, you receive a list of allthe selected cases; the data is, however, not stored in thecorresponding billing-specific tables and is thus not available forbilling. No database changes are made. Selection of the report depends on the parameters with which you startit. All of the selection criteria can be combined. As a result, you can, for example, choose just those cases
- of a particular institution
- of a particular case type
- of one patient
- of patients in a particular name group
- whose admission dates or discharge dates are within a specific period
- to which a particular insurance relationship (insurance provider) is
- and so on.
You can enter individual values or intervals for the selectioncriteria. If you enter one case number, exactly one case will be selected. You can also specify whether the entered selection criteria are to beexcluded or included. The selection criteria "Insurance provider/group" and self-payer amountare mutually exclusive. You can either search explicitly for insuranceproviders/groups or self-payer amounts. All of the cases which have acase-related insurance relationship with the entered insurance provideror a self-payer insurance relationship are then selected. You can choose one of three different log types. Only the log types "Cases" and "Movements" are currently active. If youselect the log type "Cases", only the selected cases will be logged. If you choose the log type "Movements", only specific movements will belogged as a function of other selection parameters. If you restrict case selection by means of the admission date, forexample, only the admission movement is logged. If you restrictselection by means of the discharge date, only the discharge movementappears in the log. Here you have the option of initiating a billing procedure immediatelyafter case selection. You can carry out billing with a particularvariant. If you start the billing procedure immediately after case selection,the system is currently not able to output a log containing theselected cases due to technical reasons.