Description The report selects cases for billing, and makes these cases available intables. You can use the selected cases for billing purposes byspecifying a unique name for the case selection. Selection Specify the institution and a unique name for the case selection. You'llfind your selected cases under this name at a later on. If you specifyan existing case selection, the report adds further cases to thisexisting case selection. As standard, the report does not select cases that have the statusfinal billed> and waiting list>. Similarly, the report does not select cases for which a billing block isset. If, however, you wish to include these cases in the selection,select + Cases with Bill. Block>. Keep in mind the following when using the patients' name as a searchcriterion for selecting cases:
- Searching for double-barreled names is not supported in the case
selection. If these patients were assigned to users alphabetically, theywould then appear in several selections. Example: Patient name Forst-Quandt> Search term F* -> patient is found Search term Q* -> patient is not found If the double name search were supported, both the search terms F* andQ* would result in the patient being found.
- If you specify only the first name element of the double name of a
patient as the search term, the patient will not be found. Example: Patient name Forst-Quandt Search term Forst> -> patient is not found Search term Quandt> -> patient is not found Search term Forst*> -> patient is found If you are unsure of the name, always terminate the search string withan *. You can also restrict the case selection to cases for which a particulardiagnosis class exists. To this, select the Diagnosis Required>indicator. You specify which diagnosis must exist for the case underDiagnosis Check> in the IMG activity SetParameters for Diagnosis Documentation>. You can choose the dischargediagnosis and/or the hospital main diagnosis. The restriction with regard to the discharge diagnosis does not apply topatients who are companions. If you only want to select discharged cases, you can further restrictthe selection set by specifying the discharge type. You can only use theDischarge Type> parameters in combination with the discharge date. You can further restrict the case selection by specifying thedepartmental organizational unit> and the nursingorganizational unit>. Keep in mind the following points here:
- If you restrict the case selection using the discharge date of the case,
the report checks the departmental/nursing organizational unit assignedto the discharge against the specified departmental/nursingorganizational unit.
- If you do not specify a discharge date in the case selection, the system
uses the last movement for each case to check against thedepartmental/nursing organizational unit. However, the report only used admission, transfer and discharge as lastmovements. It does not take outpatient visits and absences into account. Example: You specify the departmental organizational unit "CU1" and the dischargeinterval "01/01/1995 - 04/01/1995". The report selects all of the cases that were discharged in the intervalspecified and for which the care unit "CU1" is assigned as thedepartmental organizational unit at the time of discharge. The sameapplies for the nursing organizational unit. If you do not want to make changes in the database, choose Test Mode >. All the cases that match your selection criteria are displayed.However, the report does not store the data in the tables relevant forbilling and consequently this data is not available to the billingprogram. Any combination of selection criteria can be used. This means that youcan select, for example, the cases
- Of a particular institution
- Of a particular case type
- Of a patient
- Of patients from a particular name group
- Whose admission or discharge date lies within a given interval
- With a particular status for the basic medical documentation
- To which a particular insurance relationship (insurance provider) is
assigned. If you specify insurance provider and an insurance provider type, thereport selects all of the cases that have either the specified insuranceprovider or one of the insurance providers of the specified insuranceprovider type assigned in the insurance relationship.
- If you exclude one or more insurance providers, the report selects all
of the cases which do not have an insurance relationship with thespecified insurance provider.
- If you exclude one or more insurance provider types, the report selects
all of the cases which have at least one insurance relationship with oneof the insurance providers of another insurance provider type. You can specify single values or ranges for the selection criteria. If you specify one case number, the system selects precisely one case.You can also stipulate whether the specified selection criteria shouldbe inclusive or exclusive. The selection criteria Insurance Provider> and Self-PayerCntrbs Only> are mutually exclusive. You can either search forinsurance providers (or insurance provider groups) or self-payercontributions. The report select all cases that have a case-relatedinsurance relationship with the specified insurance provider or whichhave a self-payer insurance relationship. Logging> You can choose between the logging types Cases> and Movements >. If you select the Cases> log, the report only logs theselected cases. If you select the Movements> log, the report only logs particularmovements in relation to other selection criteria. For instance, if you restrict the selection using the admission date,the report only logs the admission movement. If you restrict theselection using the discharge date, only the discharge appears in thelog. Billing Actions> You can start the billing program directly after the case selection hasbeen created. You can use a variant to satisfy specific billingrequirements. If you start billing immediately, technical restrictions at presentprevent the system from creating a log of the selected cases.