Description Important: You cannot reload archived data. Archiving is used to remove case data from the database and serves toenhance the performance of the SAP System by reducing the quantity ofdata stored in the database. You should note, however, that archivedcases are no longer operationally available in the system. Before datais archived, the system checks whether the necessary prerequisites havebeen met. Customers are responsible for ensuring that all of thenecessary evaluations are carried out prior to archiving. Single Document Display You can directly access archived cases from the system. Access is by thecase list from where you can view a list of the most important case datafor archived cases. At present, the single document display is onlyimplemented for archive files that are stored in a file system. Archiving Process Flow You carry out archiving using the transaction SARA (ArchiveAdministration). The object name is ISH_FALL>. The data isarchived in two steps to prevent data loss. In the first step, the writeprogram reads the data to be archived and creates an archive file. Inthe second step, the deletion program imports the created archive anddeletes the objects contained in the archive from the database. Thesetwo steps are accommodated by the programs:
- RNARCF0W - Write program for case archiving
- RNARCF0D - Deletion program for case archiving
The system checks the following prerequisites for each case to bearchived:
- The case must be "final billed" or "canceled".
- The case must not have any open items.
- The case must not have any open copayment requests.
- The case must not have any open down payments.
- The case must not be referenced by other cases that have not been
- The case must not have any EDI messages that have still to reach the
residence time defined in the IMG activityActivate EDI Procedure>.
- The case fulfills the selection criteria.
Precondition The institution is mandatory to archive the data. You can further restrict the number of cases to be archived usingadditional selection criteria:
- Case: restrict to case numbers or case number intervals.
- Case type: the system only archives cases of the selected case type(s).
- Discharge date: the system only archives cases with a discharge date
within the specified period. For outpatient cases, this is the date ofthe last visit. Canceled cases that have at least one canceled visit ora discharge in the specified period are automatically archived also.
- Final billed within (days): the final billing date of the case must be
at least a specified number of days in the past. The system checks the authorization N_FALL_ARC for each case to bearchived.Program Runtime Settings Archiving of dependent objects in SD and CO> When you archive a case in IS-H, dependent objects in SD and CO, amongothers, usually still exist for the case. When SD documents (billingdocuments) and CO orders are archived, the system does not check ifdependent objects from an industry solution exist that have still to beclosed. For this reason, SAP recommends that you first archive and delete thecase data for the object ISH_FALL> in SAP Patient Management. Thenarchive the dependent objects of the successfully archived cases in SDand CO. To find out which objects you can archive in SD and CO, you can have thesystem create variants for the archiving objects SD_VBRK> andCO_ORDER> (including preprocessing program) when you archive thecase data. The variants contain the billing documents or CO orders ofthe successfully archived cases. In the Variants for Dependent Archiving Objects from SD and CO>group box, specify for which archiving objects the system is to createvariants.
- Create Variant for SD_VBRK>
If you select this option, the system creates variants for the archivingobject SD_VBRK>. Using this object, you can archive billingdocuments that belong to the case in SD. In the Template for Variant> field, you can optionally store avariant name for the SD write program S3VBRKWR>. When creating thevariants, the system uses all of the data from this template variantexcept for the document selection.
- Create Variant for CO_ORDER>
If you select this option, the system creates variants for the archivingobject CO_ORDER>. Using this object, you can archive orders thatbelong to the case in CO. In the Template for Variant> field, you can optionally store avariant name for the CO write program RKAARCWR>. When creating thevariants, the system uses all of the data from this template variantexcept for the order numbers.
- Preparation Program for CO_ORDER>
If you select this option, the system creates variants for the CO orderpreparation program. This program enables you to set deletion flags anddeletion indicators for CO orders. This is necessary since a CO ordercan only be archived if, among other things, its deletion indicator isset. In the Template for Variant> field, you can optionally store avariant name for the CO preparation program RKOREO01>. Whencreating the variants, the system uses all of the data from this variantexcept for the selection fields controlling area, order and master datacreated/changed to. Notes>
- If you archive cases with work incapacity certificates: The actual work
incapacity certificates are not archived. When the system writes thecase to the archive, it sets the archiving indicator for each workincapacity certificate of the case to be archived in the table NDOC. Since it is possible to change a patient's work incapacity certificates,cases with work incapacity certificates can only be archived if none ofthis patient's cases are locked by another transaction.
- If you wish to create variants for an archiving object, you also need to
fill the Prefix for Variant Name> field. The names of the variantscreated start with the prefix you have stored in this field. If there are many objects to be archived, the program may have to createseveral variants. The variant names are constructed as follows:
- Note that the system does not create variants if you selected the
Test Run> option.
- You have already archived and deleted your cases and subsequently wish
to create the variants for the SD and CO write programs. In thissituation, specify the archived AND deleted cases on the selectionscreen, and select the required variants under Variants forDependent Archiving Objects from SD and CO>. When the program runs,you can select the archive files to be used for creating the required SDor CO variants in the Archive Administration: Select File to Be Read > dialog box. It is essential that you make sure that specified cases are all deletedby first executing a test run, for example. All cases that have beenarchived but not deleted will be archived again. The ArchiveAdministration: Select File to Be Read> dialog box is again displayedonly if there are no cases to be archived. On account of the interactive selection of archive files, this functioncannot be executed in the background. Please refer to the SAP Note 656396. It contains additional informationon how you can make sure without creating variants that when archivingbilling documents and CO orders the system only archives those objectsfor which there are no dependent cases in SAP Patient Management. Process Control
- Test Run
If you select this option, the system does not create an archive file. For information about the other selection parameters, see the respectiveF1 Help.Output The program outputs a message for each case in the evaluation set andfor each variant created for the CO/SD archiving object. If you selected the Extended Log> option, the system lists thearchived data objects.