Title IS-H: Set Fully Billed Cases to "Final Billed" Purpose This program lets you set the "Final Billed" indicator for cases forwhich all services have already been billed for and for which therequirements for final billing are satisfied. Integration
- Service Rules and Actions
This report executes the checks that the system also performs for finalbilling using one of the billing transaction (NA30, for example). Thisalso includes the execution of service rules and service actions. Ifyou run the report in test mode, the system executes the service rulesand actions for the event Service Check Before Test Billing>(NLRG08). If you run the program in live mode (checkbox Test Mode > is not selected), the system executes the service rules and actionsfor the event Service Check Before Billing> (NLRG01). In bothcases, the system updates changes due to the service actions in thedatabase.
- Integration with Controlling
In the IS-H Implementation Guide>, you can set a number ofparameters governing integration with Controlling (CO). The reporttakes these HCO basic settings> into account asfollows: Indicator Technically Complete After Final Billing> If you set this indicator, the system technically completes thecase-based orders for the cases whose billing indicator the report hassuccessfully changed. Event Triggering Service Transfer> If you select "final billing" as the event triggering service transfer,the report starts service transfer. As for billing, the reportdistinguishes between single billing and collective billing. If youspecified a single case as the selection criterion, the systemclassifies this as a single billing. If you enter a case selection, orset the All Interim Billed Cases> indicator, the system evaluatesthis as a collective billing.
- Business Add-In for Billing Check
The Business Add-In ISH_INVOICE_CHECK is not run for this report.Prerequisites With this report you can only process cases to which billable serviceshave been assigned. For cases without billable services, you can usethe reports IS-H: Set Cases Without Billable Service to "FinalBilled"> (RNANFAL0>) or IS-H: Set OutpatientCases Without Services to "Final Billed"> (RNANFAL1 >).Features Selection For the selection, you can specify either individual cases, a caseselection, or all interim-billed cases. You can run the report in Test Mode>. In this mode, the systemdoesn't change the billing indicator of the cases. However, it doesmake database changes that may be occasioned by service actions and theupdating of a case selection (see below). The checkbox Detailed Output/Messages> lets you influence thelayout of the output list (see below). You can also get the system to write all of the cases for which thebilling indicator can be changed to "final billed" in a case selection.To do this, select the checkbox Update Case Selection>, andspecify the required case selection. The system also updates the caseselection in test mode.Output The report outputs a multilevel list containing the selected cases andall messages pertaining to these cases. The display and editing optionsof the SAP List Viewers are available to you in this list. If you selected the checkbox Detailed Output/Messages> on thereport selection screen, the system directly displays all the messagesthat occurred for the cases in the output. Otherwise, you can viewthese messages by expanding the output list for single or all cases. The output list is structured as follows:
- At case level, the system displays two status fields in addition to
case and patient data. One of these fields contains a text describingthe entire event (for example Case cannot be set to final billed >, or Everything billed -> Billing indicator can be set>) andthe other status field represents the following situations: Red: billing indicator cannot be changed Green: billing indicator can be changed. If you ran the report in livemode, the system changes the billing indicator of the case accordingly.
- At message level, the system outputs information, warning and error
messages that were generated for the respective case during the checks.If a long text exists for a message in the system, you can access it byclicking on the long text icon next to the message text.