Relevant for the country version Germany only. This English documentation does not correspond to the current German version!Description To avoid unnecessary error messages being generated for a case selection , you can set all healthy newborns and/or optionally companions and/orflat rate cases for which no billable services exist to final billed >. Relevant flat rate cases are readmission cases due tocomplications for which the maximum length of stay is not reached in thesecond case either. The following parameters are available for the selection:
- You can select cases via a case selection and/or cases or (= exclusive
'OR') via the admission date or the discharge date. If you choose thelatter, the evaluation period should not exceed 31 days for performancereasons.
- Select at least one of the parameters: Newborns>, Companions
>, or Previous Patient FR>. You can also select all of theparameters, if appropriate.
- If you selected ... Without Further Dialog>, the report creates a
list of cases that it set to Final Billed> based on the selection(database change); these are indicated by "*". Relevant for batch runs.
- If you didn't select ... Without Further Dialog>, the report
creates a list of cases that can be processed further based on theselection; all the cases are selected by default. You can set theselected cases to Final Billed> using Update>.Dialog-relevant: database changes are not made if test mode is selected. If a case is relevant for DRG billing and this case involves a sicknewborn, you can also set the billing status of this case to FinalBilled> is no billable services exist.Precondition Individual cases that could not be blocked cannot be set to FinalBilled>. This is not documented explicitly in the output list or in abatch run. The following criteria must be fulfilled by a healthy newborn or acompanion for the report to be able to set the case to Final Billed< />.
- Billable services must not exist.
The following criteria must be fulfilled by a prior patient FR for thereport to be able to set the case to Final Billed>:
- Billable services must not exist for the current case.
- The chargeable paid days of the previous case must be maintained in the
admission data for the case.
- The case must not yet be final billed.
- A non-billable flat rate per case must exist for this case.
- The patient must be discharged.
If a case is relevant for DRG billing and this case involves a sicknewborn, the report sets the case to Final Billed> if no billableservices exist.Output The report outputs the cases that it set to Final Billed> in inaccordance with the above criteria. These can be selected in dialog modeor in a background run. Sick newborns or healthy newborns and companionswith billable services are also output. However, these cannot beselected or changed. If a case is relevant for DRG billing, you can also select sick newbornsand set the corresponding cases to Final Billed>.