Description The program compares the billable services of a case with the treatmentperiod between admission and discharge. It checks whether a nursing charge exists as a billable service for alldischarged cases for the duraration of the period specified. Theservice must be characterized as a relevant charge type in the servicemaster record (10, 11, 12, 13 or 14). This program cannot be used to check the charges for billing accordingto the German Federal Regulation for Hospitals '95. You should use theprogram RNLBTAG0 for this. Selection parameters Selection can be made
- Via a billing selection ('selection indicator')
- Via movements (either via the admission period or the discharge period)
- Via case numbers.
You can also specify case numbers in addition to the other selectioncriteria. In the Key date> field, you can enter a date for cases that havenot yet been discharged, up to which the services are to be checked(from the admission date).Output The program creates a list which as a default only contains the caseswith found insufficient service validity periods. Via an option, youcan choose an extended log at the start of the program, that is,whether all checked cases are to be output ('Log for all cases'). In addition, some specifications on the case, such as names, admissiontype (AT) and date, discharge type (DT) and date as well as settlementstatus are made. If transfers or absences exist, these are also output. If an insufficient service validity period is recognized, the relevantperiod is displayed. In addition, a note is given on type of the gap: The field 'No' contains a number as a code for the cause of the gap.The following causes of a gap are currently distinguished:
- 01 No billable service in the period between admission and discharge.
- 02 One or more days without a corresponding service
- 03 Nursing charge service(s) ends (end) before discharge time
- 04 Nursing charge service(s) ends (end) before midnight (no
- 05 Pre-admission treatment without billable flat rate
- 06 Post-discharge treatment without billable flat rate on the
respective treatment day. The function 'Maintain services' of the respective case can be calledup directly with 'Choose' on a line of a case.Special Forms
- Companions are checked separately and only cause an error message if no
billable services exist.
- For newborns for whom only the status 'healthy' exists, no billable
service must exist. A note appears when requesting the extended log.
- For sick newborns, the check is only carried out by the day for the
time the newborn is sick.
- For patients with pre-admission treatment (visit type!) it is checked
whether in total one corresponding billable service exists(compensation type '40' in the service master).
- For patients with post-discharge treatment (visit type!) it is checked
whether a corresponding billable service exists for everypost-discharge treatment day (compensation type '41' in the servicemaster).
- For patients with one flat rate for each case, the check only starts
from the day on which the maximum length of stay is reached.Precondition
- The program checks exclusively inpatient cases.
- The program is based on the logic that there are one or more services
for the affected cases which should exist continuously from theadmission up to the discharge. This is controlled via the compensationtype of the service master record.
- No check which is independent in each case is yet carried out for
departmental per diem (APS) and base nursing charge (BPS), that is,whether both the APS and the BPS exist continuously, but a check isonly made for whether both compensation types exist continuouslytogether.
- If a selection is made via movements at the start of the program
(admission period or discharge period), only cases with movements withthe status 'actual' are chosen. This means that, for example, caseswith a planned admission are ignored. However, all movements, includingplanned ones, are taken into account during selection via the caseidentification code.