Description Information about the invoices for a case. Selection On the selection screen, you can either select the service status>of all items for a case or display the invoices for a case>(select Output Invoices>). You can specify which invoices the report is not to include in theinvoice display, in relation to the Financial Accounting posting status(posting status 'A': Not yet passed on to FinAcc, 'B': Posting error(generally account determination problems), 'C': Invoice wassuccessfully transferred to FinAcc). The report then only determines the sum total output using thedisplayed invoices/cancellation documents (reversals), whereas the casestatus is created independently of this.Output Display options: RESET N1 Service status for all items of a case:
- The target quantities up to the key date entered on the selection
screen are calculated and are compared with the quantities billed forup to now; all invoices/cancellation documents (reversals) created upto now for the case are used and the key date is unimportant.
- The invoices relevant for the respective service items can be displayed
in a dialog box and with a further selection takes you to the invoiceitself (change to the SD transaction). The status field specifieswhether an item is billed for completely, where the amount to be billedfor is compared with the amount billed for up to now.
- '*' in the %/Prc.Cvrd> field (percent/price covered) means that
the insurance coverage allocation for this service and this insuranceprovider is not consistent: In this way, for example, a confirmation ofcoverage of 80% can exist for one period and one of 50% in another,each for the same insurance provider.
- All amounts used to calculate a total are displayed in the local
currency. It may be necessary to translate the currency from thedocument currency at the rate valid on the document date(field VBRK-FKDAT). Invoice display:
- All invoices/cancellation documents (reversals) for the case that were
created up to the key date specified on the selection screen are listed(billing date).
- Various sort options exist. Furthermore, invoices that have been
canceled/partially canceled with a cancellation/partial cancellationare highlighted, and the cancellation document number is also indicated.You can display and make changes to the invoice here if it has not beencanceled (go to the SD transactions). The status field ('C' =successfully transferred, 'B' or ' ' = error, 'A' = not yettransferred or 'E' = done) specifies whether a transfer to FinancialAccounting has been made. You can also print forms.
- The current status of the billing documents in the database can be
retrieved using the 'Refresh' pushbutton. This is useful, for example,if you changed billing documents beforehand. However, the invoice sortsequence may be changed.
- With the 'Down Payment/Copayment' pushbutton, you can receive additional
information on available copayments or down payments for a selectedinvoice. If there was a copayment or down payment for an invoice, whichwas reversed later, this is indicated.
- With the 'Live Print/Test Print' functions in the menu, the recording
of the form output by the system can be switched on or off. It is alsopossible to have the system save the print date.
- If the invoice is printed in live print mode, it is automatically
archived. Note that the invoice can only be archived if thecorresponding invoice form has been activated for archiving in theIS-H Implementation Guide>.
- The 'Form Preview' pushbutton lets you view the form output on the
screen (printing is not possible). The form output is also not recorded.The 'Live Print' option here simply displays the quantity found of eachform defined in Customizing (this corresponds to the single-printcontrol function in the mass print program). Nothing is recorded in theprint log table nor is a test print indicator, nor is a test printindicator cleared for the form. The invoices are displayed on the screen even if print control specifiesthe creation of a spool request.
- The 'Cancel' pushbutton enables you to cancel a selected invoice. Other
invoices may also be canceled if they are subsequent invoices, even ifyou have not selected them. You can then print the form either in liveor test print mode. The billing date of the invoice is used as the billing date for thecancellation.
- You can display the archived original version of an invoice with the
'Display original' pushbutton.
- Invoices flagged in the 'Cleared' column are no longer managed as open
items, because they have already been cleared by payment in FinancialAccounting. The clearing date is shown in this case.
- The 'Archived' column shows if the invoice was archived during live
printing. Note that archiving is performed in cycles. This means thateven though the archived flag is set, the system may not be able tofind the original invoice when you choose the Display Original>function. The system is also unable to find an original if an erroroccurred when the invoice was archived.
- If there are different document currencies for a case within a billing
document, the system does not calculate a total.