If you start the evaluation with the default settings, a list ofdischarged patients without final billing is output. This may be due tothe fact that no invoices are available yet for the case or becauseonly interim billings have been created. The program only takes discharged patients into account (that is, onlyinpatient cases). The treatment category (TC) available as a selection option is the TCof the case that was defined in the admission information. You can also restrict your selection further according to thedepartmental or nursing organizational unit that was responsible whenthe patient was discharged. Output In this context, an empty square means If you do not start the report in the background, the list contains arange of additional functions: You can scroll horizontally column-by-column using the pushbuttonsprovided. You can use the sort function to sort the list as required after youhave selected the sort criteria in the list heading. For each sortcriterion, you can also define whether the list is to be sorted inascending or descending order. You can display or print the current selection criteria with the You can choose the characteristics that are to appear on the list usingthe All fields Business partner Insurance provider You can change the order of fields in the list with the The You can use the Note |