Description Retrieving the RF document numbers from R/2 (if, for example, updatedin asynchronous mode); subsequent postings of invoices which were notyet transferred or optionally only of incorrect invoices can be startedat the same time. This happens if 'Transfer invoices again' is selectedin the selection screen. Invoices which did not reach R/2 because ofproblems with communication also come under 'Not transferred' in thiscase. 'Incorrect' refers exclusively to TB01 problems: Incorrectaccount determination and so on. The event RF0001 is provided for subsequent postings (see'Configuration' in basic data customizing). This is the same eventwhich also controls the link to RF during invoice creation, that is,the type of communication at this point is identical. The selection of'... with immediate update' is also only useful if a correspondingresponse is to be expected immediately from RF, similar to theselection during invoice creation. The communication for determining the RF document numbers should becarried out directly (via RFC for instance; this is not forcedhowever), that is, the function module which supplies the correspondingRF numbers for the SD invoice numbers from RF should do thisimmediately, since the result is updated in IS-H (update of theinvoices). Of course, this requires an active R/2 System at the time ofthe call (event: RF0002). Similarly, the renewed transfer can optionally be carried out via RFCor another direct communication; in this case, an immediate update ofthe invoice status is made. Precondition The corresponding Customizing settings must be made: Basic data ->Configuration -> Events: RF0001, RF0002. The modules delivered by SAPas examples are 'ISH_INSERT_FINANCE_R2' for the Please refer to the corresponding section of IMG for further details inconnection with your system configuration. Output A control list is output with the corresponding SD and RF numbers. |