Description You use the RNABSGEN program to have the system automatically generateabsences for patients who interrupt their hospital stay on non-workingdays. The system determines the non-working days using the calendarvalid for the departmental or nursing organizational unit to which thepatient is assigned at the time the absence begins. Precondition The institution and evaluation period are mandatory specifications. Thesystem only considers cases that have a stay in the specifiedinstitution within the evaluation period. Make sure that the start orend of the evaluation does not fall on a non-working day, since thisprevents the system from correctly processing the previous or subsequentday which may be a non-working day also (weekend). If you restrict the evaluation to specific organizational units, thesystem only generates absences for the stays on the specifiedorganizational units. If you want to generate the absences only for specific cases, specifythe appropriate case numbers. The Discharged Cases Only> indicator enables you to stipulatewhether the program should only take discharged cases into account. Youspecify the type of the relevant cases using the Inpatient> andDay Patient> indicators. The Error if Transfer Within Absence Period> indicator enables youto stipulate how the program is to react when the patient is transferredwithin the absence period to be generated:
- If you set this indicator, the system outputs an error message in the
log and does not create the absence.
- If you do not set this indicator, the system creates an absence
"around the transfer". In other words, the system creates an absencewhich ends one second before the transfer and a second absence whichbegins one second after the transfer. This results in a transfer thatlasts exactly one second. If you set the Test Mode> indicator, the program simply outputsthe generation log. It does not create any absences. You enter the main data of the absences in the fields AbsenceReason>, Start Time>, End Time> and Return Reason>. Note that the start time is the time on the day previous to thenon-working day. The time 24:00 is an exception:
- If the Keep 24:00 as Start Time> indicator is not set, the system
converts the time 24:00 to 00:00:01 on the following day. The absencethus starts at 00:00:01 on the non-working day.
- If the indicator is set, the system keeps the time 24:00 of the day
previous to the non-working day. The end time is the time on the day following the non-working day> . Again the exception is 24:00 - the absence ends on the non-workingday. The system only sets the absence reason and return reason if an absenceis actually created or modified. You cannot use this program to setspecific values for the absence reason and return reason in relation toabsences which already exist.Realize The system only creates absences for periods within the evaluation timeframe. The system determines non-working days on the basis of a calendar asfollows: RESET N1 The system first determines the calendar that is stored in the masterdata of the organizational unit to which the case is assigned on anursing basis. If a calendar has not been maintained for the nursing organizationalunit, the system uses the calendar that is stored in the master dataof the departmental organizational unit. If no calendar is maintained there either, the system searches for acalendar in the master data of each of the higher-level organizationalunits in the organizational hierarchy until it reaches the uppermostlevel. If still no calendar has been found, the system uses the calendarstored for the institution in the system parameter KALENDER>.Output The system lists the absence periods that are created by case. If youexecute the program in live mode, the system indicates whether theabsence was created. If absence generation was error-free, the systemoutputs one of the following messages:
- Absence for case created>
The system issues this message if the absence was created.
- Changes made>
The system issues this message if an existing absence was modified.
- Absence already exists>
The system issues this message if an absence to be generated alreadyexists and this existing absence covers the complete duration of theabsence to be generated.