Description You can use this program to set or cancel the billing block foroutpatient cases. Selection Criteria You can restrict the cases to be processed either by specifying a caseselection, cases numbers or the date of the outpatient visit. You can,however, only use one of the three options to select the cases. You canfurther restrict the cases selected by specifying a case type. If you select Test mode>, no changes are made in the database. You first use the radio buttons Set billing block for cases> andCancel billing block for cases> to stipulate how you want tomodify the billing block. Under the respective radio buttons, you canalso specify further conditions for selecting the cases. If you specifyconditions, the system only sets a billing block if the selectedconditions are satisfied. Optional checks for setting the billing block:>
- Where treatment certificates are concerned, the certificate status
specified is "missing". Optional checks for cancelling the billing block:>
- None of the treatment certificates of the case has the status
"missing". In the Further options> block, you can have the system writethose cases for which the billing block has been changed to a selectionindicator. If the specified selection indicator already exists, thecases processed are appended to the selection indicator. If thespecified indicator does not exist, it is only created if at least onecase was actually changed.Output The program outputs a list of cases for which the billing block waseither changed or can be changed. In Set billing block> mode, the check that caused the billingblock to be changed for the case in question is indicated in theComment> field (provided you specified conditions for changingthe billing block).