Purpose The program bills for the external orders specified by a selection. Features Dummy line to display header. Selection You can proceed as follows:
- Specify the external order numbers directly
- Select the external orders using selection criteria ( Order Type>,
Order Category>, Order Placer> or Entry Date>) In addition, you can select a number of other options ( Test Billing>, List Output>, Form Output>, and so on). If you select production (live) billing, when printing forms, theprogram automatically performs archiving for the created invoices. To dothis, select Form Output> and make sure that the Test Print>and Test Billing> fields are not selected. Note that the program only archives the invoices if you have activatedthe relevant forms for archiving in the IS-H Implementation Guide >.Output Depending on the selected option (Print with Form>, Print w/oForm>) the system outputs a form or a list. For the program to successfully output an invoice on a form, thefollowing conditions must be satisfied:
- A relevant form is active
- Form control is configured in the IS-H Implementation Guide>
For more information, see the IS-H Implementation Guide> underBilling -> Explain Basics of Invoice Output>. If form control is not configured, you can select a list outputoptimized for printer output by selecting Print w/o Form>. This atleast enables you make a rough check on the billing documents. IfPrint w/o Form> is not selected, the system parameter RNAB_FRMinforms the program as to whether it is to output the invoice list inits short or long form on the screen. The program also uses thisparameter to control the output sort sequence. The parameter isinstitution-independent and time-independent. The program does not save the created invoices in test mode.