Description This program enables you to monitor down payments (deposits) made byself-payers and insurance providers. If necessary, you can create newdown payment requests in Financial Accounting and print forms. The program can be executed without dialog, or in interactive mode. Ininteractive mode, a list of cases matching your selection criteria isreturned from which you can execute various functions. If you run the program without dialog, the desired functions (forexample, generate down payment requests, print form) are executedautomatically for the selected cases. Precondition The program selects cases in accordance with the selection criteria youspecify. Furthermore, the following requirements must be satisfied for acase to appear in the results list:
- Depending on whether you selected Self-Payer> or Insurance
Provider>, a self-payer insurance relationship or an insuranceprovider insurance relationship is active for the case.
- A unique customer is assigned to the self-payer or insurance provider in
Financial Accounting.
- The case has the status final billed> or provisional billed
>.Output The system checks the down payments made and open down payment requestsfor the cases selected, taking into account only the open items inFinancial Accounting. Offset down payments are not taken intoconsideration. Down payments made and open down payment requests are matched againstthe estimated self-payer or insurance provider amount. If the amount ofthe estimated invoice exceeds the sum of the down payment and downpayment request by a minimum amount stored in Customizing, the systemproposes, or directly generates a new down payment request for thiscase. The amount of the generated down payment request is calculated from thedifference between the sum of the down payments made and the open downpayment requests and the estimated self-payer or insurance provideramount. You can influence the new down payment request proposed by the system bymeans of the following parameters:
- Top-Up> amount
- Rounding Procedure> (no rounding, round up, commercial rounding,
or round down) and Rounding Amount>. See the documentation on these parameters in Maintain Parameters for Down PaymentRequests>>. In interactive mode, you can overwrite the proposed new down paymentrequest before executing the Generate> function. Note that fortechnical reasons it is still possible to make an entry in this fieldafter generation. Any subsequent change is, however, without effect. Inparticular, a further down payment request cannot be generated. The status display can have the following values:
- Status display "Red": The system was unable to calculate the self-payer
amount or the insurance provider amount for the case (for example, owingto an error in test billing, or also because the case is in fact not aself-payer case).
- Status display "Yellow": The system has proposed but not yet generated a
new down payment request for the case.
- Status display "Green": The system has successfully generated a new
payment request, or has determined that a new down payment request isnot necessary for the case (if, for example, the down payment alreadymade exceeds the self-payer amount or the insurance provider amount ofthe invoice).Example You have set the down payment request parameters in Customizing for IS-Hby choosing Maintain Parameters forDown Payment Requests>> such that the system is to generate a newdown payment request when the minimum difference amount for self-payersexceeds 1000.00. Case,,Down paymnt,,Down Pyt Rq,,Est. Invoice Amnt 1,,1000.-,,,,3000.- 2,,1000.-,,2000.-,,3000.- The system proposes a new down payment request of 2000.- for case 1,since the difference between the down payment made and the estimatedself-payer amount exceeds the minimum difference amount of 1000.00. On the other hand, the system does not propose a new down paymentrequest for case 2, since the sum of the down payment made and the opendown payment request exceeds the estimated self-payer amount.Selection screen In the Select Cases> group box on the selection screen, specifythe criterion according to which the program is to select the cases forprocessing. The following alternatives exist:
- Via Admission Date>
You can enter a time interval for the admission date.
- Via Discharge Date>
You can enter a time interval for the discharge date.
- Via Visit Date>
You can enter a time interval for the visit date.
- Via Case Selection>
You can enter the selection indicator of a case selection that you havecreated beforehand. You can also search for a selection indicator bymeans of the matchcode search.
- Via Cases>
You can enter a single case number, or a case number range. You can alsoidentify a case by running the patient index search on these fields.
- Case Type>
You can stipulate whether you want to select inpatient, outpatient, orday patient cases. For this mandatory input parameter, enter the value"1" (inpatient cases), "2" (outpatient cases), or "3" (day patientcases). In the Restriction> group box, you decide whether you arelaunching the down payment monitor for self-payer or insurance providerinsurance relationships. If you select the Insurance Provider>radio button, you can restrict the insurance providers to be considered. In the Processing Mode> group box, you decide in which mode thedown payment monitor program is to be executed:
- With Dialog>
Select this radio button if you simply want an overview of the selectedcases to be displayed.
- Without Dialog>
Select this radio button if you want to execute the functions withoutdialog. Select at least one of the options Generate Down PaymentRequests>, Print Forms>, or Create List>.Interactive mode Interactive mode provides the basic functions Generate Down PaymentRequest> and Print Forms> complemented by an additional set offunctions:
- Functions for interactive display and creation of lists (ABAP List
Viewer) Layout Sort Filter Total values
- Functions for further case information
Case monitor Open items Form printout log
- Functions for displaying or changing settings
Automatic print and manual print You can specify whether the system is to automatically print a form ornot when the function Generate Down Payment Request> is executed. Down Payment Request Parameters You can display the general parameters for down payment requests.Note on printing forms You can have the generation of new down payment requests trigger formprintout or print forms as a separate function. For you to be able to differentiate between inpatient/day patientinvoices and outpatient invoices in print control, the system providesthe events ANZ011 ("Generate Inpatient/Day Patient Down Payment Request)and ANZ013 ("Generate Outpatient Down Payment Request). The following work organizer types> areprovided for the down payment monitor: 1. For event ANZ011:
- ANZG ,,,,Anzahlungsanforderung generieren
- RECHANZ ,,SG: Down Payment Monitor Invoice
- RECH_01 ,,Inpatient Invoice Data (IP)
- RECH01CK ,,CH: Inpatient Invoice Data (IP)
- RECH_01D,,SG: Inpatient Detailed Invoice Data (IP)
- RECH_01S,,SG: Inpatient Summarary Invoice Data (IP)
2. For event ANZ031:
- ANZG,,,,Generate Down Payment Request
- RECHANZ,,SG: Down Payment Monitor Invoice
- RECH_10,,,,Outpatient Invoice Data (IP)
- RECH10CK,,CH: Outpatient Invoice Data (IP)
- RECH10TK,,CH: Outpatient Invoice (IP) TARMED
- RECH_10D,,SG: Outpatient Detailed Invoice Data (IP)
- RECH_10S,,SG: Outpatient Summary Invoice Data (IP)
This enables you to print both a down payment request form and invoiceinformation (as clarification of the down payment request). Note thatthe system places both forms together in a spool request (consecutivelyper case) only if the spool attributes (e.g. printer, number of copies,archiving mode, spool retention period, name) for both work organizersmatch exactly. This can be ensured by maintaining identical entries forthe above fields in Configure Unconditioned Output Control > with regard to the work organizers you have set up. Invoice printout is performed in test mode here.Enhancement The enhancement NANZ0001 provides two function exits:
This function exit enables you to implement your own criteria regulatingwhether the down payments are to be monitored for a case or not.
This function exit enables you to implement your own program code tocalculate the amount of the new down payment request. For further information, see the general SAP documentation on customerenhancements and the documentation on the enhancement NANZ0001.